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Smoking Facts

Did you know that even though smoking rates have decreased in Canada, the highest rates of smokers are young adults, aged 20 to 24? And rates in Alberta are slightly higher than other provinces?

University students are the youngest legal-aged audience that are targeted by tobacco companies. They mislead and entice young people with their advertising campaigns, but in reality, they are selling a product that kills 50% of their users (source: Health Canada). Do you really want to be one of them?

Alberta Health Services reports that more than 3,000 Albertans die from tobacco-related causes. Tobacco use and exposure is the leading cause of disease, disability and premature death. By becoming a smoke-free campus, we’ll contribute to the reduction of heart attack rates, asthma attacks, respiratory illnesses and cancer, to name a few. Every little bit helps.

CUE believes in protecting the health of its community, and that’s why we’re smoke-free.