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9.2.2 Recording of Lectures 2024/2025

9.2.2 Recording of Lectures

Recording of classes is permitted only if recording is part of an approved accommodation plan or with the prior written consent of the professor. It is recommended that instructors include a statement to this effect in their syllabi.

If the request to record lectures is part of an approved accommodation plan, the instructor will be so informed by Student Life and Learning, and the student will provide the instructor with a copy of the Audio Recording Agreement for students eligible for accommodation.

If the request to record lectures is not part of an approved accommodation plan, the decision whether to approve the request is up to the instructor, taking into account these guidelines:

  • The default should be that the recording is solely for the personal use of the student to enhance understanding of the lecture material.
  • If a lecture is to be recorded, the instructor must notify the class that this is taking place.
  • If the recorded lecture is intended for use beyond individual study, the person making the recording may need to obtain the permission of all other individuals that appear in the recording. This should be verified beforehand by consulting with Concordia University of Edmonton’s Privacy Officer.

If the instructor grants permission, a Recording Agreement should be signed by both the instructor and the student to confirm the terms under which permission to record is granted.