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Music — 3-year 2019/2020

5. Music

30–33 credits required, to include:
  1. 3 credits chosen from
  1. MUS 211 (Music Theory I) and MUS 213 (Aural and Keyboard Skills I)
History and Literature:
  1. 3 credits chosen from
  1. MUS 490 (Topics in Music)
  1. 9 credits of unspecified senior-level MUS or MUP courses.
  2. 7.5–10.5 credits of unspecified junior- or senior-level MUS, MUP or MUED courses. (Note: Students may be required to take MUS 100 (Rudiments of Music) and/or MUS 120 (Advanced Rudiments of Music) depending on their level of proficiency in music theory.)
In addition to the above, students must complete:
  1. 6 credits of ENG courses
  2. 3 credits of courses offered by the Departments of Philosophy and Religious Studies (CLAS, GRK, HEBR, LAT, PHIL, POPC, REL)
  3. 3 credits of courses offered by the Department of Fine Arts other than Music (ARTH, DRA).
  4. 6 credits of courses offered by the Departments of Social Sciences or Psychology (CNST, ECO, HIS, INDG, POEC, PSCI, PSY, SOC).
  5. 6 credits of courses in the Faculty of Science.
Permissible minors:
All minors listed in section 10.6, except for Music and Forensic Studies.
Students with a concentration in Music must complete a minimum of 9 credits of MUS or MUP at Concordia University of Edmonton.


Electives recommended to complement your music studies include:

In Music Education:
In Psychology:
In Drama:
In Management:
In Physics:
In Religious Studies:
In General University Studies:

General Academic Requirements ↩