3.10 International Exchange Student Admission
Students registered at Concordia University of Edmonton may participate in a study abroad program through one of Concordia University of Edmonton’s formal exchange agreements. Please refer to the following website for a current list of eligible institutions: https://concordia.ab.ca/international/international-partnerships-projects/international-partners/. Students applying to participate are required to submit a study abroad application package to the International Office.
Students applying must meet basic admission requirements, have the Outbound Undergraduate Student Exchange Permission Form approved, and be recommended by Concordia University of Edmonton to participate. Students must demonstrate a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a minimum GPA of 2.7 in the most recently completed term at Concordia University of Edmonton, have completed a minimum of 18-30 credits (minimum of two terms of full-time status), and be registered full-time. Approval and selection for study abroad programs will be based on a proposed plan of study and consideration of several factors, including the following:
- The academic or professional reasons stated for the particular study abroad program;
- The extent to which the plan fits with the student’s overall academic and/or professional objectives, including courses already taken;
- Proficiency in, or efforts to learn, the language of the program site/host country (if necessary);
- Recommendation letter from a Faculty member.