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9.5 Academic Appeals 2025/2026

9.5 Academic Appeals

For Graduate Studies Academic Appeals, see section 13.0.2.D.

9.5.1 Informal Appeals

For any course in progress, a student who is concerned about a grade or another feature of that course should first discuss the matter with the instructor. If the matter is not resolved at that level, the student may then seek the advice of the Department Chair or Dean’s designate, providing relevant documentation for any assignments in question.

9.5.2 Reappraisal of Final Grades

A student may apply for reappraisal of a final grade(s) only if he or she has good reason to believe a mistake has been made. The final grade may be raised or lowered as a result of the reappraisal. A student may appeal for reappraisal of a final grade no more than twice in one academic year.

There are two levels of appeal.

Level 1:
The student shall discuss his or her final grade with the instructor within 15 calendar days of the Office of the Registrar posting grades online. Such reappraisal shall involve an assessment of the final examination, together with a check of the computation of weighted components used in calculating the final grade. Within 7 calendar days, the instructor will inform the student in writing either of no grade change being made or of an official grade change approved by the Department Chair (or Dean’s designate) and the Dean.
Level 2:
If the student still has a valid reason to believe a mistake has been made, or has substantial new evidence that could not be presented to the instructor, he or she shall inform the Office of the Registrar, in writing, within 7 calendar days of the written decision by the instructor at Level 1. The Registrar will then forward the letter of appeal to the Dean of the faculty responsible for that course. The letter must include the decision which is being appealed, the grounds for appeal, and the remedy sought by the appellant. If all three are not specified in the appeal letter, or if the Dean decides that sufficient grounds do not exist, the appeal will not be heard. If the Dean believes that a reappraisal is warranted, he or she will immediately direct the Chair of the department responsible for the course in question to convene a committee consisting of the Chair, the instructor of the course, and one other department member (or Dean’s designate). Such reappraisal shall again involve assessment of the final examination, together with a check of the computation of weighted components used in calculating the final grade. The Chair may also consult the student for further clarification. Within 7 calendar days of receiving notification from the Dean, the Chair will report the committee’s recommendation to the Dean, who will make the final decision on the reappraisal and inform the student of the result in writing, with a copy to the Office of the Registrar. The Dean’s decision cannot be appealed.