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9.4 Student Records 2025/2026

9.4 Student Records

Concordia University of Edmonton maintains student records for its benefit and that of students. Students are responsible for informing the Office of the Registrar of changes to their academic program or personal information, including address and name changes.

Students may view, but not remove, the information in their file. Access is not provided if students owe money to Concordia University of Edmonton.

Concordia University of Edmonton endeavours to control access to these records to ensure that student information is used only for lawful or proper purposes.

9.4.1 Protection of Student Information

A student’s Academic Record is maintained by the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar is responsible for the security of the Record.

Material contained within the Academic Record is collected under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act (Province of Alberta), the Statistics Act (Canada) and the Taxation Act (Canada). It includes admission and registration information, transcripts, documents, information regarding academic awards and promotion, and if applicable, academic disciplinary actions.

The following information in an Academic Record is considered public:

  1. a student’s name, dates of attendance, faculty and program of study;
  2. the year of graduation and the names of the diplomas or degrees obtained by the student;
  3. the names of awards, bursaries and scholarships received by the student.

All other information is considered confidential.

Information is disclosed to relevant academic and administrative departments in accordance with institutional policy. Specific data elements will be disclosed to federal and provincial governments or their agents to meet reporting requirements in accordance with contractual agreements. All other requests for the release of information contained in a student’s Academic Record are acted upon only with the written authorization of the student or by a court order.

Students may examine their Academic Record in Student Enrolment Services, in the presence of the Registrar or designate. Access is granted to students only after presentation of their student identification card and/or a piece of photo identification. Material may not be removed from the record. Students may not access documents which have been received in confidence, such as letters of reference.

For more information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information contained in the Academic Record, contact the Office of the Registrar, 780-479-9250.

9.4.2 Transcripts

Transcripts are official copies of academic records issued by the Office of the Registrar. All matters relating to courses, grades, academic standing, and probation appear permanently on a student’s official transcript.

The Office of the Registrar:

  1. issues a student’s official transcript only at the written request of the student.
  2. withholds all transcripts of current or former students who have outstanding fees, fines, or documents.
  3. issues transcripts in person only to the student or to those with written authorization from the student; proof of identification must be presented.

Students may request their transcripts:

  1. via Online Services for Students at (https://onlineservices.concordia.ab.ca/student). Former students who are unable to access Services for Students may print and submit the Transcript Request Form found online.
  2. by completing the Transcript Request Form or writing a letter of request, and mailing, faxing, emailing, or delivering the request in person to the Office of the Registrar in Student Enrolment Services.

A. Transcript Formats

Concordia University of Edmonton issues official transcripts in the following formats:

  1. Original documents printed on watermarked security paper, a format introduced in 1996. Students who have studied at Concordia University of Edmonton since the academic year 1995-1996 and some who studied at Concordia University of Edmonton prior to 1995-1996 may present transcripts in this format.
  2. Photocopies of original or archived documents with an original signature and raised seal: Students who studied at Concordia University of Edmonton before the academic year 1995-1996 may present transcripts in this format.
  3. A combination of official photocopies and original documents: Students who studied at Concordia University of Edmonton in both time periods may present transcripts in both formats. However, one format is used whenever possible.

Contact the Office of the Registrar in Student Enrolment Services at 780-479-9250 or registrar@concordia.ab.ca for more information about Concordia University of Edmonton transcripts.