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9.2.3 Policy on Student Absences 2025/2026

9.2.3 Policy on Student Absences

[University Policy No. AC2021]


The purpose of the policy regarding student absences and interruption of studies is:

  1. to ensure that students are not academically penalized for events beyond their control;
  2. to ensure that some students do not receive an unfair academic advantage over other students.


Policy specific terms and their definitions.

Course Work —
Any work contributing to the grade assigned in a course with the exception of the
final examination.
Final Examination —
The final examination(s) in a course scheduled by the Registrar’s Office. Upon approval of the Dean overseeing the department offering the course a final examination may also consist of a juried performance scheduled after the last day to withdraw from the course.



Absence from Class

Class attendance is a concern of the whole campus community. Students and faculty members have a vital part in accepting responsibility in this matter. Unless they are excused, all members of a class are expected to be in attendance at each class session period.

All classes are expected to begin on time. Anyone entering thereafter is tardy, or at the discretion of the instructor, may be considered absent. If a class meeting is moved to a different location, appropriate notices are posted both at the original classroom door and in Moodle.

In course outlines, instructors describe the procedure students are to follow if they are absent for work which accounts for a percentage of the final grade (this may include examinations, quizzes, assignment deadlines, labs, marks for class attendance, etc.). Students are responsible for contacting instructors regarding absences, and for providing them with documentation verifying the reasons for their absences. Instructors determine whether absences are excused; sufficient reason for an excused absence includes illness, severe family difficulty, religious observance, or circumstances beyond the student’s control.

Students may appeal instructors’ decisions through the academic appeals process.

In the case of excused absences, instructors have the right to require make-up work or to disregard absences, but may not impose penalties upon students.

Incomplete Work

Normally, course work (not including final exams) that is not completed by the last day of lectures is given a grade of 0 (zero).

Students who require extensions of this deadline of up to 4 weeks because of extenuating circumstances may apply for an Incomplete in a course or courses. Extenuating circumstances include illness, severe family difficulty, or circumstances beyond the students’ control.

Applications requesting extensions of one week or less are decided by the course instructor while applications for extensions in excess of one week are decided by the dean overseeing the department offering this course.

Students may appeal decisions through the academic appeals process.

Students who do not complete work before the deadline will be assigned a grade of 0 (zero) for the incomplete work. Instructors submit final grades to the Registrar within 48 hours of the work’s completion or the normal grade deadline for the course whichever is later.

Deferred Final Examinations

Deferred final examinations may be granted to students who are unable to complete final examinations because of illness, severe family difficulty, religious observance, or circumstances beyond their control. Deferred final examinations may differ from the original exams and may not necessarily follow the same format. Deferred final examinations are normally completed after and within 4 weeks of the scheduled final examination. Under no circumstances are final exams completed on or before the last day to withdraw from the class.

In the case of unforeseen absences, students normally submit their applications within 48 hours of the missed final examination; in the case of intended absences, students submit their application at least one month prior to the originally scheduled final examination.

Decisions on granting deferred examinations are made by the Dean overseeing the department offering the course upon consultation with the course instructor. The decision of the dean is final. Students who fail to complete a deferred final examination will be assigned a grade of 0 (zero) for the exam. Instructors submit final grade to the Registrar within 48 hours of the deferred exam or the normal grade deadline for the course whichever is later.

Aegrotat Standing

Aegrotat standing is designed to assist students who experience serious illness or injury which prevents them from writing final examinations and deferred final examinations. Applicants for aegrotat standing may apply only for courses in which they are registered and attending and for a maximum of 36 credits in their entire program.

Decisions on granting Aegrotat Standing are made by the Dean overseeing the department offering the course upon consultation with the course instructor. Aegrotat Standing consists of a letter grade or the CR notation if a letter grade cannot be assigned or the course normally is marked CR/NC. The decision of the dean is final.

Aegrotat standing is indicated on official transcripts by an AE suffix

Debarment from Final Examinations

A student may be refused permission to take the final examination in a course on the recommendation of the instructor, with the concurrence of the Department Chair and Dean, in the following circumstances:

  1. The student has neglected to do a substantial portion of the written assignments in a course of which these are an essential feature, or has been frequently absent from class in a course in which class participation is necessary.
  2. The student has neglected to do a sufficient amount of the practical or laboratory work in a course for which this is a basic requirement.
  3. The student has already failed the practical or laboratory portion of the course and successful completion of that portion is required for successful completion of the course.
Absences During a Temporary Suspension

Students placed on temporary suspension are banned from the campus and all Concordia activities for a limited period of time determined by the Vice-President of Student Life. They are given an excused absence from classes with the following conditions:

  1. They are responsible for completing any work that is missed.
  2. They are responsible for the delivery of major papers or written assignments on the due date and are subject to any late penalties incurred if their courier fails to deliver their assignment on time.
  3. They are responsible for contacting their instructors immediately to make arrangements for any major examinations that would be missed. Instructors may give make-up examinations after students return or drop the examinations as a factor in determining final grades.
  4. They will be given a grade of 0 (zero) for all minor examinations, quizzes or labs, and will have no option to make up the work that is missed. However, the resulting grade may not be used as the determining factor in barring them from final examinations.

For the purposes of this policy, major work accounts for 10% or more of the final grade, and minor work accounts for 9% or less of the final grade.