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9.1 Program Regulations 2025/2026

9.1 Program Regulations

9.1.1 Statute of Limitations

Students admitted to a Concordia University of Edmonton program are governed by the program requirements (i.e., the required courses specified for a particular program of studies, the credits required in a specified subject area, and the total credits required in the degree program) of the Calendar in effect at the time of their admission. However, regardless of the year of admission or readmission, all students are governed by the current Calendar in all other respects.

When student registrations at Concordia University of Edmonton are interrupted by at least one academic year and students are subsequently readmitted to a Concordia University of Edmonton program, students shall be governed by the Calendar in effect at the time of readmission. Continuing students may opt to be governed by any Calendar from the current Calendar to the one in effect at the point of most recent admission to Concordia University of Edmonton. If students opt for a particular Calendar, all program requirements of the chosen Calendar shall apply, while the current Calendar shall apply in all other respects.

9.1.2 Second Degree Requirements

Students who have one degree and wish to obtain another from Concordia University of Edmonton must conform to all program requirements for an applicable calendar year (see Statute of Limitations, section 9.1.1). The second degree or dual degrees must involve the successful completion of the program residency requirements (see the General Academic Requirements of the appropriate program). The fulfilment of the residency requirements is in addition to the credits applied to any other Concordia University of Edmonton degree. Students can obtain another degree in any one of the following ways:

  1. Students who hold a three-year Concordia University of Edmonton degree and who subsequently meet the requirements for a four-year degree in the same faculty at this institution may convert the three-year degree to a four-year one. Converted degrees require a minimum of 30 additional credits, rather than the additional program residency requirements. The four-year degree will then replace the three-year degree; Concordia University of Edmonton transcripts will not record the replaced degree.
  2. Students who hold degrees from this or another accredited institution and who subsequently meet the requirements for a Concordia University of Edmonton degree in a different major or concentration may obtain a second degree or dual degrees.
  3. Students who hold degrees from another accredited institution and who subsequently meet the requirements for a Concordia University of Edmonton degree or dual degrees may obtain a second degree.

Students must fulfil all graduation requirements. When the degree is conferred, students will receive the parchment appropriate to the degree. Students who wish to obtain another degree should first seek academic advice to determine which educational opportunities best serve their career goals.

9.1.3 Transfer to Other Institutions

Students transferring to other Alberta institutions should consult the Alberta Transfer Guide, which lists all courses and program transfer agreements between post-secondary institutions in Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. The Guide and other transfer credit information are available online at www.transferalberta.ca or by contacting:

Alberta Council on Admissions & Transfer
11th Floor, Commerce Place
10155 102 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4L5
Telephone: 780-422-9021
Toll free within Alberta, first dial 310-0000
Email: acat@gov.ab.ca

Students are responsible for determining the requirements of the programs to which transfer is planned and for ensuring that they meet those requirements. Students should also obtain academic calendars from the institutions they plan to attend.