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4.6 Student Registration Status Policy 2025/2026

4.6 Student Registration Status Policy

[University Policy No. AC2027]  


This policy defines the framework to determine whether a student has a part- or a full-time student registration status.


  • Continuous Learning Format — Programs in a Continuous Learning Format are delivered over a continuous 12-month period divided into three semesters: a 13-week Fall semester, a 13-week Winter semester and an 8- to 13-week Spring Semester.
  • Fall Semester — the 13-week instructional period, normally from September to December.
  • Full-Time Course — A course that can only be taken by a full-time student.
  • Full-Time Status — the registration status of a student in a Fall Semester, Winter Semester, Spring Semester, or Summer Semester as defined in this policy. Various external organizations use other definitions, some of which are multiple, (for example the Alberta Enrolment Reporting System (AERS) of Alberta Advanced Education has defined both an Enrolment Registration Status and a earner Registration Status). These various definitions do not alter CUE’s definition of part- and full-time registration status in this policy.
  • Full Course Load — The Full Course Load in the Fall and Winter Semester is 15 credits each. The Full Course Load in the Spring Semester of programs taught in the Continuous Learning Format is 15 credits. For all other programs the Full Course Load in the Spring Semester is 6 credits. The Full Course Load in the Summer Semester is 6 credits.
  • Part-Time Status — a student has the part-time student registration status if they do not have the full-time status in the given semester.
  • Spring Semester — for programs taught in the Continuous Learning Format the 8- to 13-week instructional period starting in early May; for all other programs the 6 week instructional period in May/June divided into two 3-week Spring terms. The exact dates depend on the specific program
  • Summer Semester — the 6-week instructional period during July and August divided into two 3-week Summer terms. The exact dates of the terms depend on the specific program.
  • Winter Semester — the 13-week instructional period, normally from January to April.


This policy applies to all students in all programs offered by Concordia University of Edmonton



This policy is based on the principles, that

  • a full course load is the load that an average student without other commitments or special circumstances is expected to be able to succeed in, and
  • a student should be full-time if they take at least 60% of this full course load.
Full-Time Status for Programs in the Continuous Learning Format

Except as given below in the `Exceptions’ section, a student registered in a program taught in the Continuous Learning Format attempting at least 9 credits in any of the Fall semester, the Winter Semester, or the Spring Semester is considered Full-Time in that semester. Moreover, any student enrolled in a Full-Time Course in a semester, is considered Full-Time in that semester.

Full-Time Status for Other Programs

A student registered in a program not taught in the Continuous Learning Format attempting at least 9 credits in the Fall semester or the Winter Semester or at least 4.5 credits in the Spring Semester or the Summer Semester is considered Full-Time in that semester. Moreover, any student enrolled in a Full-Time Course in a semester, is considered Full-Time in that semester.


A student in the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Public Health Practice program (taught in the Continuous Learning Format) attempting at least 6 credits in any of the Fall semester, the Winter Semester, or the Spring Semester is considered Full-Time in that semester.