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4.2 Registration Regulations 2025/2026

4.2 Registration Regulations

4.2.1 Course Load

The normal full course load for undergraduate programs is 30 credits total for the Fall/Winter Session.

Students are cautioned from enrolling in significantly more credits than the normal full course load. Some programs may limit the number of credits students are permitted to take.

For information regarding full-time and part-time status for student loan purposes, please refer to Financial Aid, section 6.0. For information regarding course load for scholarship purposes, please refer to Undergraduate Awards, section 7.0.

4.2.2 Prerequisites and Corequisites

Students must meet all prerequisite requirements before beginning a course. Students must meet all corequisite requirements either before beginning a course or through simultaneous registration that results in an acceptable grade. Unless otherwise stated, D is the minimum grade acceptable in prerequisite and corequisite courses.

Approved equivalent courses may be used to satisfy the stated prerequisite and corequisite requirements. Students are responsible for withdrawing from courses for which they do not have the prerequisites.

Degree credit may be withheld for courses when the prerequisite or corequisite requirements have not been met.

In exceptional circumstances a student may request a waiver for one or more prerequisites from the Dean of the Faculty which offers the course. All prerequisite waivers are granted at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty which offers the course. The Dean should consult the department that offers the course prior to granting the waiver.

Prerequisite waivers are not normally granted for more than one stated prerequisite per course.

The onus is on the student to provide a convincing argument for a prerequisite waiver. Receiving a waiver is a rare occurrence and rationale may include:

  • student has sufficient background (ex. work experience) to succeed in the course.
  • student has completed previous course work that may be considered in place of the stated prerequisites.

There is no appeal process if the request for a prerequisite waiver is not granted. A completed Prerequisite Waiver Request does not guarantee that the student will be enrolled in the course. Enrolment is subject to availability. Where a prerequisite waiver is granted a student assumes full responsibility for being sufficiently prepared for success in the course.

4.2.3 Repeating a Course

Students may repeat any course once whether they received a passing grade, a failing grade, or a WF (withdrew failing).

Students repeating courses in which they achieved passing grades do not receive additional credit for the repeated courses.

Provided the second grade is a passing grade, it will be used in the calculation of the Grade Point Average for graduation, whether it is higher or lower than the first grade. However, the mark from the initial course remains on the transcript.

Students repeating a course have to complete all components of the course as if they had not previously attempted any component.