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4.1 Registration Procedures 2025/2026

4.1 Registration Procedures

Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their own registration.

4.1.1 New Students

The Office of Admissions informs students of their acceptance and the steps necessary to complete their registration.

All students are responsible for registering in courses using the Online Course Selector in Online Services. The non-refundable Registration Deposit, section 5.3, must be paid prior to registration. Online resources and Registration Advisors are available to assist students with course selection and program planning.

4.1.2 Returning Students

Readmission is not automatic. Refer to Returning Student Readmission, section 3.7 for requirements.

Students must provide official transcripts from all other post-secondary institutions that they have attended and must pay the non-refundable Registration Deposit, section 5.3, before they may register in courses.

The Statute of Limitations, section 9.1.1 contains information regarding the Calendar and program requirements for returning students.

4.1.3 Open Studies Students

Open Studies students may normally register in a maximum of nine credits per semester, to a lifetime maximum of 30 earned credits in the Open Studies program at Concordia University of Edmonton. Students that in the previous Fall or Winter semester have earned a term GPA of 3.0 or higher in at least 9 credits may register in a maximum of 15 credits.

Once the lifetime maximum of 30 credits have been earned, Open Studies students must apply to a degree program to continue at Concordia University of Edmonton. Degree-bound students are encouraged to meet with a Registration Advisor prior to registration to ensure that they choose courses that apply toward their future degree program. Students who have already earned post-secondary credentials and wish to register in Open Studies are limited by the course load regulations for program students as given in section 4.2.1.

Students may register only in those courses that have been designated for Open Studies, as determined by the Registrar.

Students in the Open Studies program must maintain satisfactory academic standing as defined in Academic Standing, section 9.3.4.

4.1.4 Spring and Summer Sessions

Concordia University of Edmonton offers university-level credit courses during the spring and summer months, normally from May to August. Important dates for students registered in Spring and Summer Session courses are published in the Academic Schedule, section 2.0.

New and returning students may apply by submitting an Application Form online. Continuing students may add Spring and Summer Sessions courses to their schedule; a separate application is not required. Students must pay the non-refundable Registration Deposit, section 5.3 before they may register in courses.

Each six-week session is comprised of two three-week terms. The majority of courses are scheduled each day of the week, from Monday to Friday. A three-credit course normally takes one term (three weeks) to complete. However, a three-credit course offered part-time in the evenings, takes one session (six weeks) to complete. A six-credit course normally takes one session (six weeks) to complete.

Due to the intense nature of these sessions, students are cautioned from enrolling in too many hours.

The Bachelor of Environmental Health (After-Degree) program (section 11.2) and select Graduate Studies programs (section 13.0) continue through the Spring and Summer sessions.