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16.0 Glossary 2025/2026

Academic Schedule:
The schedule of events and deadlines covering Concordia University of Edmonton’s academic year. These dates are set by the Faculty and are not negotiable.
Academic Year:
The consecutive twelve-month period from 1 September through 31 August.
Acceptance of a candidate for enrolment in a specified program.
Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA):
The grade point average calculated using the credits earned in post-secondary course work that is presented toward the requirements for admission.
A person who has been permitted to register in a course for informational instruction only and without credit toward a degree or diploma.
The general term used to describe any bursary, scholarship, or prize given to a recipient who fulfils specified conditions of eligibility. An award may be given at any time of year and may not require application.
Given on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
The primary area of specialization in a three-year degree program.
Continuing Students:
Students who continue in their degree programs in consecutive academic semesters.
Continuous Learning Format:
Programs in a Continuous Learning Format are delivered over a continuous 12-month period divided into three semesters: a 13-week Fall semester, a 13-week Winter semester and an 8- to 13-week Spring Semester.
A course in which the student must register during the same term of study; a corequisite may have been successfully completed previous to registration in the course.
Credit Value:
The credit value indicates the weight of the course used for calculating the Grade Point Average and for meeting degree requirements. Normally, 1.5- and 3-credit courses are completed at the end of one semester and 6-credit courses at the end of the academic year (two semesters).
Subject areas of study (e.g., English, Religious Studies).
Distance Delivery:
Indicates that a course is taught via the Internet using email for communication between instructors and students.
Extra to the Degree:
Courses taken that are not used for credit toward the degree.
Fall/Winter Session:
The period of the academic year that runs from September through April.
See section 4.6.
Graduate Students:
Students registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Grade Points:
On official transcripts and statements of grades, a weighted value assigned by multiplying the Grade Point Value for each grade by the number of attempted credits for the course.
Grade Point Average (GPA):
To calculate the Grade Point Average, divide the total grade points by the total attempted credits. On official transcripts and statements of grades, Concordia University of Edmonton indicates the GPA only by semester or term.
Hybrid Format:
Indicates that a course may be delivered through both in-class and online lectures.
Junior Courses:
University-level courses numbered 199 or lower.
The primary area of specialization in a four-year degree program.
The secondary area of specialization in a three- or four-year degree program.
Open Studies Students:
Students registered in university-level credit courses who are not committed or admitted to a degree program.
See section 4.6.
A course, or courses, that the student must have successfully completed before registering in a course.
Given in the form of cash, books, or medals; awarded on the basis of academic achievement. Other conditions may apply.
Reading Week:
A recess, usually in November and February, designed to allow students time to work on papers, catch up on outstanding reading or, in general, prepare for oncoming final examinations.
Acceptance of candidates who were previously admitted to a degree program at Concordia University of Edmonton, completed credits at Concordia University of Edmonton toward their program, and are returning to re-enrol in the same program.
The process by which students, who have been admitted to Concordia University of Edmonton, select and register in courses relevant to their degree requirements.
Residency Requirement:
The minimum number of credits that must be completed at Concordia University of Edmonton in order to earn a degree.
Returning Students:
Students who return to study at Concordia University of Edmonton after an absence of one or more semesters.
Awarded primarily on the basis of academic achievement. Financial need may be taken into consideration.
Senior Courses:
University-level courses numbered 200 or higher. These courses are open to students with at least second-year standing (18 credits or more).
Spring/Summer Session:
The period of the academic year that runs from May through August.
Term (Semester):
The academic year is divided into six terms (semesters)
1. Fall Term: September through December (13 weeks)
2. Winter Term: January through April (13 weeks)
3. Spring Term 1: May (3 weeks)
4. Spring Term 2: May – June (3 weeks)
5. Summer Term 1: July (3 weeks)
6. Summer Term 2: July – August (3 weeks)
Note: In the case of programs that are delivered in a Continuous Learning Format, “Spring Term” refers to the entire Spring/Summer Session (12 weeks).
An official statement of the student’s entire academic record bearing the signature of the Registrar or the official seal of Concordia University of Edmonton.
Transfer Credit:
Course credit that an institution accepts toward a degree, and which the student has not earned at that particular institution. Transfer credit is limited by the residency requirement.
Undergraduate Students:
Students registered in a Baccalaureate-level program.
Visiting Student:
A student of a university or college who has written permission to take specific courses at another institution.
Students who wish to withdraw from Concordia University of Edmonton, that is, discontinue their studies, must complete official documentation through the Registrar’s Office. Failure to pay fees and/or attend class does not constitute withdrawal from Concordia University of Edmonton.