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13.3.2 Master of Education in Educational Leadership 2025/2026

13.3.2 Master of Education in Educational Leadership

The Master of Education in Education Leadership (MEd (EL)) is specifically created to support Alberta teachers, educational consultants, learning coaches, and school administrators who desire to further their professional learning. Engaging in deeper conversations, study, and research in the broad issues of school leadership will help teachers and school administrators improve their own teaching and student learning at their own school sites. This includes the thorough examination of and professional learning related to Alberta Education’s Leadership Quality Standard. The outcome of the program is to create well‐educated leaders (both teachers and administrators) whose thinking is current and informed by research, and whose practice and pedagogy will improve educational practice throughout the school community – especially aiding student learning. Educators are provided opportunities to address common education issues and challenges.

A. Program Learning Outcomes

Concordia University of Edmonton has designed the proposed Master of Education in Educational Leadership program to support the Leadership Quality Standard (Government of Alberta, Alberta Education) for graduate students who will acquire and demonstrate the following outcomes. Graduates are able to:

  1. Foster effective relationships
  2. Model commitment to professional learning
  3. Embody visionary leadership
  4. Lead a learning community
  5. Support the application of foundational knowledge about First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
  6. Provide instructional leadership
  7. Develop leadership capacity
  8. Manage school operations and resources
  9. Understand and respond to the larger societal context

The remaining program outcomes align with Concordia University of Edmonton’s mission, vision and strategic plans. Graduates are able to:

  1. Recognize and support the learning of diverse learner populations
  2. Recognize and support comprehensive school health and wellness of staff and students
  3. Design and undertake applied and interdisciplinary research
  4. Be independent thinkers, ethical leaders, and citizens for the common good.

B. Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting the Admission and General Admission requirements for the Faculty of Graduate Studies (refer to section 13.1.1), students applying to the Master of Education in Educational Leadership must present the following minimum requirements:

  1. Bachelor of Education degree or a Bachelor of Education (After Degree) or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
  2. An admission grade point average (AGPA) of 3.0 (on CUE’s 4‐Point Scale) or equivalent on the most recent 60 credits of undergraduate (or graduate) study.
  3. Demonstrated fulfillment of Concordia’s English Language Requirement for Graduate Studies (refer to section 13.1.1.D).
  4. Hold a valid teaching certificate issued by a provincial, state or national certifying body.
  5. A minimum of five years teaching experience.

Applicants shall also submit the following with their applications:

  • A current resume or CV
  • A Statement of Research Intent of not more than 500 words on the applicant’s proposed research.
  • Two Letters of Reference:
    • Preferred: 1 Academic and 1 Employer
    • Alternative: 2 Employer references who
      were direct supervisors
  • At least one Letter of Employment from a current or previous employer indicating years of teaching experience.

C. General Academic Requirements

The Master of Education in Educational Leadership degree will be awarded for the successful completion of 30 credits with a GPA of 3.0 (B) or better.

Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 with no course grade less than 2.3 (C+). Students who do not maintain satisfactory standing may be placed on academic probation, required to withdraw from the program, or asked to retake the course.

For further information, please see Academic Schedule, section 2.0, Graduate Admission, section 13.1.1, Student Life, section 8.0, and Academic Regulations, section 9.0.

D. Program Requirements

The requirements of the Master of Education in Educational Leadership program are as follows:

30 credits required, to include:

  1. 12 credits in 600‐level Core courses:
    1. EDUC620 (Leadership in Schools as Learning Communities)
    2. EDUC626 (Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction)
    3. EDUC630 (Leadership in Comprehensive School Health and Wellness)
    4. EDUC635 (Leadership in Communication and Community Engagement)
  2. 12 credits in 600‐level educational leadership courses:
    1. EDUC641 (Examination of Contemporary Topics)
    2. EDUC647 (Emerging Theories of Learning)
    3. EDUC652 (Public Education Systems and their Historical Roots in Canada)
    4. EDUC657 (Ethical Leadership Theory and Practice)
  3. 3 credits in EDUC660 (Research Ethics and Methodologies)
  4. 3 credits in EDUC661 (Applied Research Project)

Students may receive up to six credits for transfer credits, course exemptions, or substitutions. (see 13.1.2 Transfers, Course Exemptions, and Substitution). Graduate courses can be found in section 14.0, Course Descriptions, under the subject heading Education (Graduate Studies).

E. Graduation Requirements

Students graduate on one of the three degree-conferral dates following successful completion of their program requirements as well as the general program requirements of The Faculty of Graduate Studies, section 13.1.4. For further information about graduation requirements, see Graduation Requirements, section 13.1.5.