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12.1 Bounce Back Program 2025/2026

12.1 Bounce Back Program

The Bounce Back Program (BBP) is a one-year academic intervention program that supports undergraduate students who are Required to Withdraw (RWD), to re-establish satisfactory academic standing. Students may take up to 9 credits per term while enrolled in the BBP. Student coursework is combined with support through BBAS 197 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 197) and BBAS 198 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 198).

A. Admission

The BBP is an academic intervention program designed to provide strategic support to students with an assessment Grade Point Average (GPA) of 0.3–1.3 who have received a RWD letter from their program with a recommendation to apply for BBP admission. The assessment GPA is the most recent GPA used for performance assessment of the student.

Students recommended to take the BBP must complete an intake application form and must attend an interview with the BBP Advisor. The information from the application form and the interview is used to determine students’ eligibility for the BBP.

Students can enroll in the BBP one time only. The completion of the BBP does not guarantee admission to any particular faculty at CUE. Students must meet the admission requirements of their selected faculty.

B. Program Requirements

Students are required to successfully complete both BBAS 197 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 197) and BBAS 198 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 198), which are mandatory, not-for-credit courses, offered by Student Life and Learning, and delivered in the Fall and Winter semesters respectively. Through a combination of classroom instruction and one-on-one meetings with the BBP Advisor, students develop essential academic skills and participate in a community of learning. Students must receive passing grades in their academic strategies courses to continue. Students may be Required to Withdraw (RWD) if not in satisfactory standing in BBAS 197 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 197) or BBAS 198 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 198).

Students will take a reduced course load to a maximum of 9 credits per term, consulting with the BBP Advisor, consisting of the Fall and Winter semesters. As such, students will immediately begin applying the skills acquired in BBAS 197 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 197) or BBAS 198 (Bounce Back Academic Strategies 198) and work towards meeting the minimum graduation requirements for academic programs. Regular fees will apply for the credit courses. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 6 credits per semester with an assessed GPA of 2.0 to continue into the next term. Students not achieving a GPA of 2.0 may be Required to Withdraw (RWD).