10.6 Minors
Students may not count more than 18 credits from courses outside the Faculties of Arts and Science toward a Concordia University of Edmonton Arts or Science degree. Courses offered through the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Management are outside the Faculties of Arts and Science.
1. Biochemistry
- BES 107 (Introduction to Cell Biology)
- CH 261 (Basic Organic Chemistry I)
- BIOCH200 (Introductory Biochemistry)
- BIOCH350 (Laboratory Methods in Biochemistry)
- 6–12 credits chosen from
- BIO 344 (Brain Chemistry and Pharmacology) (3 Cr.)
- BIO 421 (Bioinformatics) (3 Cr.)
- CH 419 (Bioanalytical Chemistry) (3 Cr.)
- unspecified BIOCH (Biochemistry) courses
In addition to the above courses students must complete:
2. Biology
18–24 credits required to include:
- BES 107 (Introduction to Cell Biology) and BES 108 (Organisms in Their Environment)
- 12–18 credits of unspecified senior-level Biology
3. Business
- BUS 110 (Business Fundamentals)
- BUS 120 (Organizational Behaviour)
- BUS 220 (Principles of Management)
- ECO 101 (Introduction to Microeconomics) and ECO 102 (Introduction to Macroeconomics)
- 3–9 credits of unspecified senior level Accounting, Business, Finance, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Management, or Marketing courses
Students in the Faculty of Arts or Science may only take a maximum of 18 credits outside of these Faculties. Any credits taken above this will be declared extra to degree.
4. Canadian Studies
- CREE 101 (Beginners' Cree I), CREE 102 (Beginners' Cree II), ENG 381 (Canadian Literature to 1900), ENG 382 (Early Twentieth-Century Canadian Literature), ENG 383 (Mid-Twentieth Century Canadian Literature), ENG 384 (Contemporary Canadian Literature), FR 250, FR 251 (Advanced French I), FR 252 (Advanced French II), FR 300 (Introduction to French Canadian Literature), NS 152
- HIS 260 (Canadian History 1500-1867), HIS 261 (Canadian History 1867-Present), HIS 365 (The Canadian West to 1885), HIS 366 (The Canadian West Since 1885), HIS 369 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada Since 1867), HIS 370 (Christianity and Indigenous Peoples in Canada), HIS 415 (Public History), HIS 416 (Public History Field Placement), or any INDG course
- BUS 110 (Business Fundamentals), ECO 101 (Introduction to Microeconomics), ECO 102 (Introduction to Macroeconomics), ECO 341 (Money and Banking), ECO 369 (Economics of the Environment), PSCI224 (Canadian National Government), PSCI225 (Canadian Politics: People and Society), MARK201 (Introduction to Marketing)
- SOC 101 (Canadian Society), SOC 204 (The Sociology of Indigenous Peoples), SOC 271 (The Family), SOC 327 (Criminal Justice Administration in Canada), SOC 368 (Canadian Ethnic and Minority Relations), SOC 369 (Sociology of Globalization), SOC 376 (Sociology of Religion)
5. Career Development
18–24 credits required to include:
6. Chemistry
18–24 credits required to include:
- CH 101 (Introductory University Chemistry I) and CH 102 (Introductory University Chemistry II)
- 12–18 credits of unspecified Chemistry courses with at least 6 credits at the senior-level (may include BIOCH200 (Introductory Biochemistry) (3 Cr.))
7. Classical Languages and Civilizations
18–24 credits required to include:
- 3 credits unspecified CLAS courses.
- 6 credits unspecified HEBR, LAT or GRK courses.
- 9–15 credits chosen from
- unspecified CLAS, HEBR, LAT, or GRK courses
- PHIL240 (Western Philosophy - Ancient and Medieval) (3 Cr.),
- REL 101 (Western Religious Traditions) (3 Cr.),
- REL 102 (Eastern Religious Traditions) (3 Cr.),
- REL 252 (Old Testament Literature) (3 Cr.),
- REL 253 (New Testament Literature) (3 Cr.),
- REL 302 (Greek and Roman Religions) (3 Cr.),
- REL 320 (The Pentateuch) (3 Cr.),
- REL 321 (The Historical Literature of the Old Testament) (3 Cr.),
- REL 322 (The Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament) (3 Cr.),
- REL 323 (The Poetic Literature of the Old Testament) (3 Cr.),
- REL 331 (Old Testament Theology) (3 Cr.),
- REL 332 (Intertestamental Literature) (3 Cr.),
- REL 337 (Ancient Near Eastern Religions) (3 Cr.),
- REL 338 (The Dead Sea Scrolls) (3 Cr.),
- REL 339 (Biblical Archaeology) (3 Cr.),
- REL 342 (Christianity in the Second and Third Centuries) (3 Cr.),
- REL 362 (Life & Teachings of Jesus in the Gospels) (3 Cr.),
- REL 364 (The Gospel of Matthew) (3 Cr.),
- REL 365 (Johannine Literature) (3 Cr.),
- REL 367 (Studies in the Pauline Literature) (3 Cr.),
- REL 369 (Women in the Bible and Early Christianity) (3 Cr.),
- REL 383 (Jewish-Christian Relations in Antiquity) (3 Cr.),
- REL 385 (Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christianity) (3 Cr.)
8. Criminology
- SOC 102 (Social Problems),
- SOC 225 (Criminology),
- One of SOC 224 (Sociology of Deviance and Conformity) or SOC 260 (Sociology of Inequality and Social Stratification),
- One of SOC 321 (Youth, Crime and Society), SOC 327 (Criminal Justice Administration in Canada), SOC 333 (Contemporary Social Theory), PSY 350 (Corrections and Forensics: Criminal Behaviour) or INDG 330 (Indigenous Law and Governance),
- 3 credits of unspecified Sociology courses
- 3-9 credits of unspecified Sociology courses at the senior-level (Recommended: SOC 210 (Introduction to Social Statistics), SOC 315 (Introduction to Social Methodology), and/or SOC 332 (Classical Social Theory).
9. Drama
- DRA 101 (Introduction to Theatre Art) or DRA 102 (Play Analysis)
- One of
- One of
- 9–15 credits of unspecified Drama courses
10. Early Childhood Education
- ED 199 (Introduction to the Profession of Teaching)
- EDPS200 (Educational Psychology for Teaching)
- PESS 293 (Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-12)
- EDFD211 (Introduction to Early Childhood Education)
- EDFD321 (Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom) or ENG 399 (Classics of Children's Literature in English)
- EDFD341 (Concepts of Childhood in History)
- 0–6 credits chosen from
- EDPS341 (Psychology of Exceptional Children and Youth) (3 Cr.),
- EDIE 325 (Ethics of Caring and Inclusion: Introduction to Inclusive Education) (3 Cr.)
- EDIE 326 (Inclusive Education: Addressing Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom) (3 Cr.)
- HIS 368 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada to 1867) (3 Cr.),
- HIS 369 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada Since 1867) (3 Cr.),
- MUED213 (Music Education for Young Children) (3 Cr.), or
- PESS, PACT, PAT, or DAN courses
Students interested in Concordia University of Edmonton’s Bachelor of Education (After Degree) in Elementary Education should consult the admission requirements, section 3.4.1.
18–24 credits required to include:
- BES 107 (Introduction to Cell Biology) and BES 108 (Organisms in Their Environment)
- 12–18 credits of unspecified senior-level Ecology courses
12. Economics
18–24 credits required to include:
- ECO 101 (Introduction to Microeconomics) and ECO 102 (Introduction to Macroeconomics)
- 12–18 credits of unspecified senior-level Economics courses
13. Education
- ED 199 (Introduction to the Profession of Teaching)
- EDPS200 (Educational Psychology for Teaching)
- PESS 293 (Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-12)
- 6–9 credits chosen from
- EDIE 325 (Ethics of Caring and Inclusion: Introduction to Inclusive Education) (3 Cr.)
- EDFD321 (Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom) (3 Cr.) or ENG 399 (Classics of Children's Literature in English) (3 Cr.),
- EDFD341 (Concepts of Childhood in History) (3 Cr.),
- EDPS341 (Psychology of Exceptional Children and Youth) (3 Cr.),
- HIS 368 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada to 1867) (3 Cr.),
- HIS 369 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada Since 1867) (3 Cr.), or
- MUED214 (Music Literacy for Children) (3 Cr.)
- 3–6 credits chosen from
- PESS, PACT, PAT, or DAN courses.
- EDIE 326 (Inclusive Education: Addressing Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom) (3 Cr.)
Students interested in Concordia University of Edmonton’s Bachelor of Education (After Degree) in Elementary Education should consult the admission requirements, section 3.4.1.
14. English
18–24 credits required to include:
- 6 credits of junior-level English (Recommended: ENG 120 (British Literature from 1300 to 1800) (3 Cr.) and ENG 121 (British Literature from 1800 to the Present) (3 Cr.))
- 12–18 credits of unspecified senior-level English courses
15. Environmental Science
18–24 credits required to include:
- BES 107 (Introduction to Cell Biology) and BES 108 (Organisms in Their Environment)
- ENSC204 (Environmental Science: Problems and Solutions)
- ECOL 208 (Principle of Ecology) or ENSC208 (Principles of Ecology)
- 6–12 credits of unspecified senior-level Environmental Science
16. French
18–24 credits required to include:
- FR 211 (Intermediate French I) and FR 212 (Intermediate French II)
- FR 251 (Advanced French I) and FR 252 (Advanced French II)
- 6 credits of 300- or 400-level French courses
- 0–6 credits of unspecified French courses.
17. History
18–24 credits required to include:
- Unspecified History courses with at least 6 credits at the senior-level
18. Indigenous Studies
18–24 credits required to include:
- INDG 100 (Introduction to Indigenous Studies) (3 Cr.)
- INDG 200 (Experiences and Perspectives of Indigenous Peoples in Canadian History) (3 Cr.)
- INDG 290 (Indigenous Ways of Knowing) (3 Cr.)
- 9–15 credits chosen from
- CREE 101 (Beginners' Cree I) (3 Cr.),
- CREE 102 (Beginners' Cree II) (3 Cr.),
- ENG 388 (Contemporary Indigenous Literature) (3 Cr.),
- HIS 368 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada to 1867) (3 Cr.)
- HIS 369 (Indigenous Peoples and Canada Since 1867) (3 Cr.)
- HIS 464 (Indigenous Peoples, Christianity, and Colonialism) (3 Cr.),
- INDG 111 (Contemporary Perspectives on Indigenous Canada) (3 Cr.),
- INDG 330 (Indigenous Law and Governance) (3 Cr.),
- INDG 340 (Treaty Six) (3 Cr.),
- INDG 391 (Indigenous Engagement and Collaboration) (3 Cr.),
- INDG 490 (Indigenous Feminisms) (3 Cr.), and
- SOC 204 (The Sociology of Indigenous Peoples) (3 Cr.)
19. Information Technology and Computing Science
18–24 credits required to include:
- Unspecified Information Technology and/or Computing Science courses with a maximum of 9 credits at the junior-level
20. Mathematics
18–24 credits required to include:
- MAT 113 or MAT 114 (Elementary Calculus I)
- MAT 115 (Elementary Calculus II) and MAT 120 (Linear Algebra I)
- MAT 151 (Introduction to Statistical Methods)
- MAT 200 (Foundations of Mathematics)
- 3–9 credits of unspecified senior-level Mathematics courses
21. Music
18–24 credits required to include:
- MUS 211 (Music Theory I)
- One of
- 3 credits of unspecified MUP courses
- 9–15 credits of unspecified MUS or MUP courses, at least 6 of which must be MUS courses and at least 6 of which must be at the senior-level
22. Philosophy
18–24 credits required to include:
- PHIL102 (Introduction to Philosophy) or PHIL202 (Introduction to Philosophy)
- PHIL125 (Introduction to Logic)
- 12–18 credits of unspecified Philosophy courses with at least 9 credits at the senior-level
23. Physical Education and Sport Studies
18–24 credits required to include:
- PESS 101 (Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness)
- One of
- One of
- 6 credits chosen from PACT, PAT or DAN courses
- 3 to 9 further credits chosen from
- PESS 201 (Human Growth and Motor Development Across the Lifespan) (3 Cr.),
- PESS 231 (Leisure and Recreation in Contemporary Canada) (3 Cr.),
- PESS 245 (Introduction to Coaching) (3 Cr.),
- PESS 293 (Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-12) (3 Cr.),
- PESS 301 (Foundations of Human Movement) (3 Cr.),
- PESS 330 (Health Promotion and Comprehensive School Health) (3 Cr.),
- PESS 345 (Introduction to Sports Management) (3 Cr.),
- SOC 230 (Leisure, Sport and Society) (3 Cr.), or
- any PACT, PAT or DAN courses
Students in the Faculty of Arts or Science may only take a maximum of 18 credits outside of these Faculties. Any credits taken above this will be declared extra to degree.
24. Physics
18–24 credits required to include:
- 3 credits chosen from
- PHY 122 (Introductory General Physics II) (3 Cr.) or PHY 132
- 12–18 credits chosen from
- unspecified senior-level PHY (Physics) courses
- EAS 371 (Energy, Environment, and Resources) (3 Cr.)
25. Political Science
18–24 credits required to include:
- PSCI101 (Introduction to Government) and PSCI102 (Introduction to Politics)
- PSCI224 (Canadian National Government)
- 9–15 credits of unspecified senior-level Political Science courses
26. Psychology
18–24 credits required to include:
- PSY 104 (Basic Psychological Processes) and PSY 105 (Individual and Social Behaviour)
- 12–18 credits of unspecified senior-level Psychology courses
27. Religious Studies
18–24 credits required to include:
- 6 credits chosen from
- 12–18 credits chosen from
- up to 3 credits of unspecified POPC courses,
- unspecified senior-level REL courses
28. Sociology
18–24 credits required to include:
- SOC 100 (Sociological Concepts and Perspectives)
- 15–21 credits of unspecified Sociology courses with at least 6 credits at the senior-level
29. Sustainable Earth Resources and Geoscience
18–24 credits required to include:
- EAS 101 (Introduction to Physical Earth Science) and EAS 102 (Introduction to Environmental Earth Science)
- 6 credits of unspecified senior-level EAS courses
- 6–12 credits chosen from
- Unspecified EAS courses,
- PHY 220 (Story of the Solar System) (3 Cr.) (Requires one of MAT 110 (Pre-Calculus), Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2),
- ENSC220 (Soil Science) (3 Cr.) (Requires BES 108 (Organisms in Their Environment)),
- ENSC223 (Environmental Hydrogeology) (3 Cr.) (Requires CH 101 (Introductory University Chemistry I)), and
- ENSC270 (Introduction to GIS and the Digital Earth) (3 Cr.)