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Political Economy — 3-year 2025/2026

7. Political Economy

27–33 credits required, to include:

  1. ECO 101 (Introduction to Microeconomics) and ECO 102 (Introduction to Macroeconomics)
  2. PSCI101 (Introduction to Government) and PSCI102 (Introduction to Politics)
  3. 3 credits of senior level ECO courses
  4. PSCI224 (Canadian National Government)
  5. POEC400 (Special Topics in Canadian Public Policy)
  6. 6–12 credits of unspecified senior-level ECO or PSCI courses

In addition to the above, students must complete:

  1. One of
  2. 3 additional credits in courses offered by the departments of Fine Arts, Philosophy and Religious studies, or Literature and Languages (ARAB, ARTH, CHIN, CLAS, CLIT, CREE, DRA, ENG, FR, GERM, GRK, HEBR, LAT, MUS, MUP, MUPB, MUPE, MUPH, MUPK, MUPP, MUPS, MUPV, MUPW, MUED264 (Handbells and Handchimes for Children and Youth), PHIL, POPC, REL, SPA, WRI).
  3. 6 credits of courses in the Faculty of Science. (The department recommends 3 credits from each of two different sciences.)

In addition to the above, students must present:

  1. AIT 100 (Undergraduate Academic Integrity Training)

Permissible minors: All minors listed in section 10.6 other than Political Science.

IT 101 (Introduction to Information Technology), DRA 252 (Fundamentals of Public Speaking), FR 101 (Beginners' French I) and FR 102 (Beginners' French II), FR 211 (Intermediate French I), FR 212 (Intermediate French II), SOC 210 (Introduction to Social Statistics), and WRI 300 (Essay Writing (Non-fiction)) are strongly recommended.

General Academic Requirements ↩