Maintaining your student loan while you are in school requires notifying your lenders and providing them with proof that you are a full-time student. It’s important to keep your loan providers up-to-date with your enrolment status on a yearly basis to avoid negative financial consequences. This can be done by using the appropriate forms or online requests for your particular funding situation.
If you have Canada student loans, including previously issued Part-Time Canada loans:
Confirmation of Enrolment form (Schedule 2)
If you only have Alberta student loans, complete the Confirmation of Registration (Form B). This form is also available in the Financial Aid and Awards brochure rack outside of Student and Enrolment Services (HA 120).
If you reinstate interest free status on your Alberta Student Loans using Form B, your Canada Student Loans with the National Student Loans Service Centre will automatically be reinstated to interest free status. You do not have to complete another form for your Canada Student Loans.
For more information on how to provide proof of your ongoing studies for provinces outside of Alberta, please visit the National Student Loan Service Centre website.
Other helpful tips for managing your student loans:
- Keep a file with all of your student loan documents in an easy to find place.
- Make note of the account number of your loan.
- Sign up for online services with each of your lenders and keep them up-to-date with current contact information.
- Borrow wisely. Keep track of how much you are borrowing and never borrow more than you think you need. You can request less than what the government estimates is your financial need.
If you need a Verification of Enrolment (VOE) for other purposes (e.g. health insurance, daycare subsidy or RESP funds) please make your request through your secure Online Services.