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Table 3.2.1.B: University-Level Equivalents 2025/2026

This chart refers to courses currently offered at CUE and is not an exhaustive or historical table of approved university‐level substitutes taken at CUE or its equivalents received via transfer credit. Other courses received through transfer credit that are associated to equivalent subject groups, may also be acceptable. For information on other acceptable course equivalencies, contact Admissions.

Courses listed are used for Admission purposes only and may not necessarily be used toward your degree program.

Group 12 Course Groupings University-Level Course
English Three credits of university-level English
Group A (Humanities)
Grade 12-level language other than English 100-level language (Students fulfilling a language other than English (i.e. French) deficiency, are required to complete three credits of a 100-level language.)
Social Studies Sociology 100, History 111 or History 112
Group B (Fine Arts)
Art Art History 101 or Art History 102
Drama/Performing Arts 100-level Drama
Music 100-level Music
Group C (Sciences)
Mathematics Mathematics 110
Biology Biology 100
Chemistry Chemistry 150
Physics Physics 111
Science Computing Science 111; Environmental Science 101; Earth and Atmospheric Science 101 or 102; Information Technology 101
Group D (Other) Business 100-level course; Classics 102; Economics 101 or 102; Philosophy 101, 102, or 125; Physical Education and Sports Studies 101, Political Science 101 or 102; Psychology 104; Religion 101, 102, or 150.

Note: Students must present the appropriate course pre‐requisites.