The Departments of Fine Arts, Literature and Language, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Psychology, and Social Sciences have designed for you a high-quality educational experience to help you attain the following objectives:
- To discover, from scientific, theological, humanistic, and creative perspectives, insights from past and present into what it means to be human.
- To develop methods of thought and inquiry that will lay the foundation of your future knowledge and wisdom.
- To learn to read and to listen critically, to write persuasively, and to communicate with a confidence born of knowledge.
- To train in the latest methods of research and digital literacy appropriate to each area of study.
- To perceive and foster connections among your areas of study, and the wider world around you.
- To identify with Concordia University of Edmonton’s aim of developing “independent thinkers, ethical leaders and citizens for the common good.”
- To create the basis of your future academic, professional, or vocational career, enabling you to “learn for life.”