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Religious Studies

Religious Studies takes a deeper look at the human condition, examines the meaning of life through the lens of various eras and cultures, and works to understand how religion has essentially transformed societies from multifaceted angles.

At Concordia University of Edmonton, you will have the opportunity to study both Christianity and other world religions. The study of religion develops a student’s research ability, critical thinking, and both written and communication skills, and also provides an interdisciplinary foundation related to other disciplines.

You can choose from a 3-year concentration or 4-year major.

When you come to Concordia University of Edmonton, you will master the skills, garner the knowledge, and create the connections you need to secure a job, discover the world, and build your future.

Associated careers include, but are not limited to, humanitarian and church related work, education, non-profit, journalism, fine arts, law, and politics.

Tuition & Fees

2024-25 Estimated Domestic Fees

2024-25 Estimated International Fees

Additional information about tuition and fees