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Wendy Pullin

Dr. Wendy Pullin

Professor, Department of Psychology


Academic Interests

Anger and gender
Qualitative research and critical analysis
Violence and social context
Autobiographical interviews

Research and Interests

I am a clinical psychologist with a particular focus on women and gender issues. Recently, I have pursued four main areas of interest: (a) anger and gender; (b) qualitative research and critical analysis; (c) violence and social context; & (d) autobiographical interviews. In mid-career I conducted much of my research collaboratively with colleagues at two French universities–Université de Grenoble and Université Vincennes-Saint Denis (Paris 8). A great source of inspiration for me has come from coaching many undergraduate students to create collaborative research projects¬ while facilitating presentations of their research at major international and national conferences. In addition, I have enjoyed supervising graduate theses and dissertations and presiding over a doctoral defense at the University of Grenoble.

Courses Taught

PSY 104 – Basic Psychological Processes (Intro 1)
PSY 105 – Individual and Social Behaviour (Intro 2)
PSY 233 – Personality
PSY 281 – Principles of Behaviour Change
PSY 305 – Ethical Issues in Professional Psychology
PSY 332 – Communication and Counselling Skills
PSY 339 – Abnormal Psychology
PSY 399 – Psychology of Women
PSY 421 – Qualitative Research Methods and Critical Analysis
PSY 422 – Qualitative Research in Applied Settings
PSY 435 – Clinical and Counselling Psychology
PSY 480 – Independent Research in Psychology I
PSY 481 – Independent Research in Psychology II
PSY 486/496 – Field Placement I and II
PSY 605 – Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Practice
(Graduate Studies)
PSY 621 – Qualitative Research Methods and Critical Analysis
(Graduate Studies)
PSY 622 – Qualitative Research in Applied Settings
(Graduate Studies)

Representative Work (in all areas)

  • Supervisor of 55 undergraduate student publications (all from Concordia University students 1998-2009)
  • Supervisor of 4 Masters Theses completed in July or August of 2009 (all from City University Masters in Counselling program, Edmonton campus)


  • 2011    Masse, L., Pullin, W., & Hughes, E. & Shankland, R. (Eds.)  Anglais pour psychologues.  Dunod: Paris.
  • 2007    Pullin, W.  La psychologie des femmes. (French scientific/cultural adaptation of “The Psychology of Women” by Margaret Matlin). Belgium: DeBoeck.

Refereed Chapters in Books and Handbooks

  • 2012    Pullin, W., & Cooper, K., & Masse, L.  Solutions critiques pour combattre la discrimination, l’oppression et la violence des jeunes (Chapître).  Sous la direction de C. Blatier, M. Paulicand, & L. Perrin-Bensahel, Vous avez dit non discrimination. Collection : Handicap, vieillissement, société. Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
  • 2011    Psychology of women: From the margins to the mainstream (Chapter). In Masse, L., Pullin, W., & Hughes, E. & Shankland, R. (Eds.)  Anglais pour psychologues. Dunod : Paris.
  • 2008    Pullin, W. M., & Cooper, K. Critical alternatives: Solutions to ease discrimination, oppression, and youth violence.  In K. Cooper & R. White (Eds.), Critical literacies in action: Social perspectives and teaching practices.  Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Refereed Articles

  • 2015   Pullin, W. M. Personal political commentary on a range of visible and invisible ethical challenges. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 132-134.
  • 2014  Salès-Wuillemin, E., Masse, L., Urdapilleta, I., Pullin, W., Kohler, C., & Geraud, S. Linguistic intergroup bias at school: An exploratory study of Black and White children in France and their attitudes towards one another. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 42, 93–103.
  • 2011    Salès-Wuillemin, E., Morlot, R., Fontaine, A., Pullin, W., Talon, D., & Minary-Dohen, P.  Evolution of nurses’ social representations of hospital hygiene: From training to practice. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée,61, 51-63.
  • 2010    Blatier, C., Pullin, W., Giminez, C. & Paulicand, M.  Homicide  and violent delinquency in France: An overview framed within an international context. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15, 261-266.

National and International Conferences

  • 2012    King, R., Pullin, W., & Bochke, J. (Authors: Concordia University College of Alberta) and Masse, L., Salès-Wuillemin, É., & Kohler, C. (Authors: Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint Denis. Laboratoire Parisien de Psychologie Sociale-EA4386). Young Women’s Phenomenological Perceptions of Anger in Intimate Relationships. “Qualitative Research in Mental Health 4 (QRMH4)”, University of Nottingham, England, June 3-5, 2012.
  • 2012    Bochke, J., Pullin, W., & King, R. (Authors: Concordia University College of Alberta) and Masse, L., Salès-Wuillemin, É., & Kohler, C. (Authors: Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint Denis. Laboratoire Parisien de Psychologie Sociale-EA4386). Young Men’s Phenomenological Perceptions of Anger in Intimate Relationships. “Qualitative Research in Mental Health 4 (QRMH4)”, University of Nottingham, England, June 3-5, 2012.
  • 2012    Pullin, W., Bochke, J., & King, R. (Authors: Concordia University College of Alberta) and Masse, L., Salès-Wuillemin, É., & Kohler, C. (Authors: Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint Denis. Laboratoire Parisien de Psychologie Sociale-EA4386). Gender Comparisons of Phenomenological Perceptions of Anger in Intimate Relationships.  “Qualitative Research in Mental Health 4 (QRMH4)”, University of Nottingham, England, June 3-5, 2012.
  • 2011    Pullin, W. M., Masse, L., Salès-Wuillemin, E., & King, R.  Expérience de la colère dans les relations intimes des jeunes femmes.  6ième Colloque International de Psychocriminologie en Langue Française,  l’Université de Grenoble, March 21-22, 2011.
  • 2010     Invited Colloquial Speaker. Précarité et dévalorisation des femmes dans la recherche et l’enseignement supérieur: Comparaisons interculturelles France-Canada. Journée d’Étude, Femmes et Précarités en 2010. GRAND (Groupe de recherche et d’action sur la non discrimination).  Université de Grenoble, April 27, 2010.
  • 2008    Pullin, W. M.  Invited Colloquial Speaker.  Évolution actuelle des recherches psychologiques sur le genre au Canada anglais.  Presentation to the Multidisciplinary Research Group: GRAND.  Université  Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France, June 3, 2008.
  • 2008    Pullin, W. M.  Qualitative Inquiry: Connection and Support in Course Development and Delivery.  A presentation at the Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health Research Conference II, Tampère, Finland, June 2008.
  • 2007    Pullin, Wendy (CUCA), Cooper, Karyn (OISE/University of Toronto), & Blatier, Catherine. (Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France).  Contexts that Shape or Prevent Youth Violence:  A Critical Look at Poverty, Literacy, and Culture in France, England, and Canada.  Conversation Session, Theoretical Psychology Beyond Borders: Transdisciplinarity and Internalization.  Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, York University, Toronto, June 18-22, 2007.
  • 2006    Pullin, W., Rosevear, C., Dedeluk, N., Jaskiw, A., Jewell, J., & Whippler, S. (2006). Character Strengths, Virtues, and Marital Satisfaction.  A Poster Presented at the Qualitative Methods in Mental Health Research Conference, Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland, June 29-July 1, 2006.