The AXA Research Fund encourages scientific Research that would contribute to understanding and preventing environmental, life, and socio-economic risks.
The Science and Technology Network funds seven research centers across Europe with the purpose of strengthening international collaboration. It provides funds for the organization of seminars, conference, workshops, training courses, and offers awards for young investigators to attend.
European Brain and Behavior Society
Conducts research into the relationship between brain mechanisms and behavior and offers travel fellowships for PhD students.
European Molecular Biology Organization
Funds research in molecular biology and offers short and long-term fellowships for young researchers.
The Armenian National Science and Education Fund (ANSEF)
Operating under the auspices of the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), ANSEF provides financial and other material resources to support scientific research, advanced technology development and scholarly work in the Republic of Armenia.
The purpose of the FWF is to support the ongoing development of Austrian science and basic research at a high international level.
Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Funded research focuses on the improvement of human health and welfare or the protection of our environment.
InBev-Baillet Latour Health Prize
The personal award is granted every year for outstanding achievements in biomedical research for the benefit of human health.
NATO – Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS)
The Science for Peace and Security Program (SPS) is a policy tool for enhancing cooperation and dialogue with all partners, based on civil science and innovation, to contribute to the Alliance’s core goals and to address the priority areas for dialogue and cooperation identified in the new partnership policy. Research priorities are linked to NATO’s strategic objects, as well as projects enhancing the defence against terrorism and other threats to security. As such, projects include explosives detection; physical protection from chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear agents; emergency preparedness; cyber defence; and environmental security.
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Scientific research in Croatia is monitored and conducted in six fields of science: natural sciences, technical, biomedical, biotechnical, social sciences, and humanities.
Ministry of Higher Education and Science
Promotes research in multiple areas. Awards PhD program scholarships for graduate students and research project grants for junior researchers and universities.
An independent body established by the Estonian government with the objective to coordinate and implement different international and national programs and projects in the field of training, education and research.
The Academy of Finland provides funding for scientific research of the highest quality. It is keen to emphasize the importance of the impact of research and breakthrough research by encouraging researchers to submit boundary-crossing applications that involve risk but also offer promise and potential for scientifically significant breakthroughs.
- PhD grants for students who want to attend their PhD at one of the laboratories of the French Research Institute of Exploitation of the Sea (Ilfremer) or a French partner laboratory. There is no nationality criteria.
- The City of Paris offers grants reserved to foreign researchers who want to have a short stay in a research laboratory in Paris. These grants are reserved to both young researchers (in particular post-doctorate students) and experimented researchers.
- “The aim of Research Grants of the Fyssen Foundation is to encourage all forms of scientific inquiry into cognitive mechanisms including thought and reasoning, which underlie animal and human behavior, their biological and cultural bases, and phylogenetic and ontogenetic development. The Foundation supports research in ethology, psychology, neurobiology, anthropology, ethnology, human paleontology and archaeology.
ESA’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship program (RFP) aims to offer young scientists and engineers the possibility, through the Network/Partnering Initiative (NPI) of carrying out research in a variety of disciplines related to space science, space applications or space technology. Applicants must have recently attained their doctorate in a field closely connected to space activities. The program gives access to the expertise of ESA for two years.
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)
INSERM is a French biomedical and public health research institution. It stresses and nourishes the continuum between the different fields of research in fundamental biology, cognitive and applied medicine and public health to improve understanding of human diseases, and ensure patients, the medical community and partners benefit rapidly from the latest research.
Human Frontier Science Program
Research grants are provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories.
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
Promotes implementation of fundamental, applied and innovative research in a competitive environment, development of knowledge-based society, reinforcement of links between science and education, integration of Georgia into international research area and popularization of science.
Albert Renold Travel Fellowships for Young Scientists
Fellowships for young scientists to travel and stay at European institutions in order to learn different scientific techniques in diabetes research.
Alexander von Humbolt Foundation
The Foundation promotes academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from abroad and from Germany. Of note, the Anneliese Maier Research Award is presented to world-class researchers from abroad from the fields of the humanities and social sciences whose academic achievements have been internationally recognized in their research area. The award winners independently choose the people with whom they would like to collaborate in Germany and the collaborative research projects last for up to five years. The research award is endowed with 250,000 euros. Researchers in Germany must make nominations; candidates cannot nominate themselves.
The Network was established with the aim of structurally interconnecting and developing regional capacities and knowledge in the field of Computational Neuroscience. It is the central funding initiative under the lead vision entitled, Understanding Thought.
DAAD Research Visit Grant and Arts Study Visit for Faculty
DAAD offers grants for 1 to 3 months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian Institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. Grants are awarded for specific research projects and cannot be used for travel only, attendance at conferences or conventions, editorial meetings, lecture tours or extended guest professorships.
European Commission – Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS)
CORDIS is the European Commission’s primary public repository and portal to dissemination information on all EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense.
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG is the self-governing organization for science and research in Germany. It serves all branches of science and the humanities. This includes support for individual projects and research collaboration, awards for outstanding research achievements, and funding for scientific infrastructure and scientific cooperation.
The Volkswagen Foundation (Volkswagen Stiftung) is the largest private research funder and one of the major foundations in Germany. It is dedicated to the support of the humanities and social sciences as well as science and technology in higher education and research.
General Secretariat for Research and Technology
Funds research in multiple areas of science deemed important to the national economy and quality of life. It supervises 12 research centers and provides grants for research and technology dissemination.
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
SFI provides grants for researchers around the world who wish to relocate to Ireland and those already based in Ireland. The Foundation funds oriented basic and applied research in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Rome International School offers the opportunity to those scholars (professors, researchers, Postdocs, PhD Candidates) who are planning to spend a term of a full year in Rome because of their research activities, and are interested in sharing their area of expertise with young minds.
Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research
Promotes scientific research at Dutch universities with more than 120 research programs and grants. Funded projects are in the areas of Chemical Sciences, Earth and Life Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences, Physics, Social Sciences, and Technology.
The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges
The Foundation welcomes applications from all over the world. The Board grants support to projects that have the greatest impact on influencing public opinion and increasing political support for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
The National Centre for Research and Development
Promotes scientific research that translates directly into innovation and development.
Funds research in multiple areas. Provides postdoctoral fellowships and international collaboration grants.
ETH Zurich carries out fundamental research focused on the needs of society at a local, national and global level. The main areas of research are focused on World Food System, Cities of the Future, Climate Change, Energy, Health, Risk Research, Information Processing, New Materials, and Industrial Processes.
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports basic science in all academic disciplines, from history to medicine, and the engineering sciences. The SNSF strives to facilitate and foster the international integration of the Swiss research community.
TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, is a global programme of scientific collaboration that helps facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty.
United Kingdom
Arts and Humanities Research Council
The vision and strategy of the Council 2013 to 2018 focuses on The Human World: The Arts and Humanities in our Time.
The Centre for Economic Performance
The Centre’s research objectives are organized into six main programmes: Community, Education and Skills, Globalisation, Labour Markets, Macro Programme, Productivity and Innovation, and Wellbeing.
The focus of the Gatsby Foundation is on fundamental basic research, with a portfolio that spans genes to behaviour. The aim of the Foundation is to advance knowledge in experimental and theoretical neuroscience, and support related activities.
The Leverhulme Trust awards funding across academic disciplines, supporting talented individuals in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences to realize their personal vision in research and professional training. As well as substantial grants for research, fellowships for researchers are offered at every stage of their career, grants for international collaboration and travel, and support for the fine and performing arts.
Newton International Fellowships
The British Academy and the Royal Society run the Newton International Fellowships scheme. The long-term aim of the scheme is to build a global pool of research leaders and encourage long-term international collaboration with the UK.
Funds research into all aspects of Parkinson’s and offers project grants, career development awards, PhD studentships, and innovation grants.
Research and Knowledge Exchange (Rake) Fund
The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) runs the RAKE fund. The aim is to encourage new research activities from within the academic community, support/advice/third sector organizations, consultants and practitioners. The fund was created to assist the exploration of issues, challenges and opportunities surrounding entrepreneurial activities and small firm performance.
The STICERD Visitor’s Programme
The aim of the Suntory and Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines is to enable academics, normally from abroad, to visit the LSE for an extended period and interact with staff and students. The work should be of a specific interest to faculty and students in a particular department or departments. The individual will take an active interest in the research activities of one of STICERD’s resident research programmes.
The Wellcome Trust is a global charitable foundation dedicated to achieving extraordinary improvements in health by supporting the brightest minds. Funding is supported in biomedical research and the medical humanities with the aim of improving human and animal health. A number of funding schemes are available including Investigator Awards, Fellowships and Strategic Awards, and several major initiatives.