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Chinese Government Scholarship 

1+2+1 Dual Degrees Students in Management can apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship for support. Each year, the Government of China provides a number of scholarships enabling residents of Alberta to study in China. Five full and ten partial scholarships are available annually. A Chinese Government Scholarship full scholarship covers tuition, accommodation, living stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance. A partial scholarship usually covers tuition only. Please visit previous Chinese Government Scholarship information for your reference. Click here to download information.

To learn our first cohort of 1+2+1 Dual Degrees on Management students at CUE received Chinese Government Scholarship full scholarships, please Click here  to read more.

To learn more about the scholarship or to apply, please contact Dr. Xinxin Fang, Director of Centre for Chinese Studies at xinxin.fang@concordia.ab.ca or call at 1-780-378-8437.