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McNeil C.A.R.E. Background

The McNeil Centre for Applied Renewable Energy (McNeil-C.A.R.E) was established at Concordia University of Edmonton in December 2019 and is housed in the BMO Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (BMO-CIAR). It is a multi-disciplinary centre that will collaborate, communicate, and jointly advance with the members in government, industry, and community the adoption of renewable energy technologies across Canada with a primary focus on Albertan communities.

McNeil C.A.R.E. Objectives

The objectives of the McNeil-C.A.R.E are to:

  1. Provide Albertan communities (urban and rural) with information on best practices, resources for technical assistance, and stakeholder consultations for the adoption of renewable energy technologies;
  2. Organize and conduct renewable energy workshops – both educational and industry-oriented to educate end-users, assist in the adoption of renewable-energy based technologies and connect industry with the end-users;
  3. Develop programs (credit and non-credit) based on industry needs to train high-quality personnel in the field of renewable energy; and
  4. Assist with renewable energy planning in specific areas based on the needs of the community and in consultation with stakeholders (government, private industry, and community members).