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Dr. Brent Bradford


BEd (2000): University of Alberta
DipEd (2008): University of Alberta
MEd (2010): University of Alberta
PhD (2015): University of Alberta

Dr. Brent Bradford is a Professor and Co-Chair of CUE’s Interdisciplinary Research Cluster on Wellness.

Dr. Bradford’s research interests include physical and health education, higher education, inclusive education, and campus wellness. Brent has authored and co-authored extensively in the fields of physical and health education and in education, including two teacher education textbooks: Physical Education for Elementary School Teachers: Foundations of a Physical Literacy Journey (2018); and Teaching for Health & Wellness in Children and Youth (2017). In 2024, Dr. Bradford published his second edited volume entitled, The Doctoral Journey: Educationalist Perspectives, and is the Founder and Book Series Editor of The Doctoral Journey in Education series. In addition to presenting on a variety of educational topics to provincial, national, and international audiences, Dr. Bradford has secured both internal and external funding (e.g., SSHRC, NSERC) to support research projects pertaining to education-related topics (e.g., early childhood physical activity, speak science simply, student wellness, doctoral journey). In 2019, Brent was awarded CUE’s Gerald S. Krispin “President’s” Research Award.

Dr. Bradford has extensive teaching experience at all educational levels. Brent has taught for a decade in elementary and secondary schools, and he was recognized for his work in physical and health education with the Alberta Teachers’ Association HPEC Award in 2001 and the CAHPERD (now Physical and Health Education [PHE] Canada) Young Professional Award in 2003. Dr. Bradford’s post-secondary teaching spans undergraduate, Bachelor of Education (After Degree), and graduate levels. In 2011, Dr. Bradford was the recipient of the University of Alberta’s Graduate Student Teaching Award.

Dr. Bradford’s service to the academic community includes a deep depth and breadth of experiences. Brent has served as President of the Education Society of Edmonton (ESE); PHE Canada Board Member (Alberta & NWT Representative); Research Advisor for the UNICEF Canada/Canadian Index of Well-Being Advisory Group; Editor of the Alberta Teachers’ Association Runner Journal; and Associate Editor in various academic journals. Dr. Bradford is an Associate Member of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. In addition to external service, Brent has served on several CUE committees, including: General Faculties Council; Research and Faculty Development Committee; Academic Standards Committee; Scholarship and Awards Committee; and the Advisory Committee for the Office of Extension and Culture.

Dr. Brent Bradford can be reached at brent.bradford@concordia.ab.ca.



The Doctoral Journey in Education: https://brill.com/display/serial/DOCJ


Bradford, B. (2024). The Doctoral Journey: Educationalist Perspectives. (Ed.). BRILL. https://brill.com/display/title/70410

Bradford, B. (2021). The Doctoral Journey: International Educationalist Perspectives. (Ed.). BRILL Sense. https://brill.com/display/title/54646

Gleddie, D., Hickson, C., & Bradford, B. (2018). Physical Education for Elementary School Teachers. Ripon Publishing.

Berg, S. Hickson, C., Bradford, B. & Fishburne, G. (2017). Teaching for health & wellness in children and youth. Ripon Publishing.


van Ingen, B., Bradford, B., Bowman, P., Uditsky, B., Skidmore, J., & Periera, S. (2022). Transitioning dreams to reality: Inclusive post-secondary education at Concordia University of Edmonton. In K. Scorgie (Ed.). Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs18, 191-206. In C. Forlin (Series Ed.). International Perspectives on Inclusive Education. Emerald: UK. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/S1479-363620220000018014/full/html

Bradford, B. Hickson, C., & Berg, S. (2020). The teaching continuum: A framework for generalist trained elementary school teachers in physical education. In B. Suesee, M. Hewitt, & S. Pill (Eds.), The Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Physical Education. (pp. 152-165), Routledge: USA. https://doi-org.ezproxy.aec.talonline.ca/10.4324/9780429341342

Berg, S., Bradford, B., & Robinson, D.B. (2018). A comprehensive school health (CSH) approach to flourishing schools. In S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (Ed.) Perspectives on Flourishing in Schools. (pp. 53-67). Lexington Books: Lanham, MD.


Subban, P., Woodcock, S., Bradford, B., Romano, A., Sahli Lozano, C., Kullmann, H., Sharma, U., Loreman, T., & Avramidis E. (2024). What does the village need to raise a child with additional needs? Thoughts on creating a framework to support collective inclusion. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2024.2338398

Bradford, B., Loreman, T., & Sharma, U. (2023). Principles of inclusive practice in schools: What is COVID-19 teaching us? Principles for the Inclusive School, International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Ed.), 115-125. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128186305120548?via%3Dihub

Zentner, K.E., Bradford, B.D., & van Ingen, B. (2022). Student wellness in higher education: A focus on social, physical, and financial wellness. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 29(2), 87-110. https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-7955/CGP/v29i02/87-110

Camara, F., Berg, S., Bradford, B., Hutchinson, S., & Sardeli, A. (2022). Measuring the environment for physical activity in early childhood: A narrative and systematic literature review. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 16(2), 159-186. doi:10.17206/apjrece.2022.16.2.159

Subban, P., Bradford, B., Sharma, U., Loreman, T., Avramidis, E., Kullmann, H., Sahli Lozano, C., Romano, A., & Woodcock S. (2022). Does it really take a village to raise a child? Reflections on the need for collective responsibility in inclusive education. European Journal of Special Needs Educationhttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08856257.2022.2059632

Hall, N., Robinson, D., Bradford, B, & da Costa, J. (2022). Alternative environment activities in physical education: A research-informed rationale and practical suggestions for teacher practice. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(1), 36-44. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07303084.2021.2000526

Robinson, D., Hall, N., da Costa, J., & Bradford, B. (2021). Alternative environment activities on both sides of the Atlantic: A Canada-Ireland consideration and comparison. European Physical Education Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356336X20985883

Bradford, B., Eblie Trudel, L., Katz, J., Sokal, L., & Loreman, T. (2021). Promising practices for preparing Canadian teachers for inclusive classrooms: Analysis through a transformative learning lens. International Journal of Inclusive Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2021.1882058

Berg, S., Bradford, B., Barrett, J., Robinson, D.B., Camara, F., & Perry, T. (2021). Meaning-making of student experiences during outdoor exploration time. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 21(2), 172-183. https://doi.org/10.1080/14729679.2020.1769694

Bradford, B.D., Howorko, A., Jacula, E., Daniels, J., Hunt, S., & Correia, N. (2020). Tracking daily steps: An investigation on a small post-secondary campus. Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine, 3(31), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.18276/cej.2020.3-06

Hall, N., Bradford, B., da Costa, J., & Robinson, D.B. (2020). Physical education teachers’ embracement of alternative environment activities. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 39(4), 508-517. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2019-0060

Bradford, B.D., van Ingen, B., Daniels, J., Wagner J., & Hanic, M. (2019). Student wellness: An investigation on a small Canadian post-secondary campus. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 26(2), 35-55. https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-7955/CGP/v26i02/35-55

Bradford, B., Gleddie, D., & Millard, C. (2019). The principal factor: A literature review juxtaposing the roles of elementary school physical education teachers and principals. Physical and Health Education Canada Journal, 84(4).

Berg, S., Bradford, B., Robinson, D., & Wells, M. (2018). Got health? Action researching a student-led health promotion program. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 19(1), 33-47.

Bradford, B., & Loreman, T. (2018). Canadian preservice teacher views of inclusive physical education. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 1, 30-48. https://doi.org/10.1017/jsi.2018.4

Bradford, B. & Hickson, C. (2018). Impacting student learning: An introduction to the teaching continuum in primary school physical education. Active + Healthy Journal, 25(1), 41-48.


Bradford, B., Wright, E., & van Leusden, S. (2024). Stop, drop, and move: It’s time for an energizer. Canadian Teacher Magazine. (Spring 2024), 18-19. https://canadianteachermagazine.com/2024/04/15/stop-drop-and-move-its-time-for-an-energizer/

Bradford, B. (2023). Cooperative learning activities: A new school year is an ideal time for cooperative skill development. Canadian Teacher Magazine. (Fall 2023), 30-31. 


Kruse, J., Bradford, B., Liddell, B, & Camarta, B. (2021). Math trails: New adventures are waiting! Canadian Teacher Magazine. (Issue: Spring), 22-24. https://canadianteachermagazine.com/2021/04/21/10498/#more-10498

Bradford, B., Hickson, C., & Evaniew, A. (2019, December 13). Positive learning: 3 Tips for generalist-trained teachers. PHE America. https://www.pheamerica.org/2019/positive-learning-3-tips-for-generalist-trained-teachers/

Kell, S., Sulz, L., Bradford, B., & Gleddie, D. (2019). Research-informed teaching tips for health educators. Runner – Journal of the Health and Physical Education Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (HPEC), 50(1), 27-32.

Bradford, B. Hickson, C., & Evaniew, A. (2019, February). Intersecting literacies: Connecting curriculum through the world of physical education. PHE America. http://www.pheamerica.org/2019/intersecting-literacies-connecting-curriculum-through-the-world-of-physical-activity

Bradford, B. & Hickson, C. (2019). Student mental health: The effects of non-verbal messages. Canadian Teacher Magazine. (Issue: Winter 2019), 32-33.

Evaniew, A., Hickson, C., & Bradford, B. (2018, February). Winter physical activities: C O L D E R can be better. PHE America. http://www.pheamerica.org/2018/winter-physical-activities-c-o-l-d-e-r-can-be-better