Dr. Runxuan Zhang
Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Physical Sciences
Tel: 343-364-8359
Office: L350D
Email: runxuan.zhang@concordia.ab.ca

PhD. Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, China
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University, Canada
Research Interests:
Lie (Super)Algebra
Mathematical Physics
Select Publications:
- Parity duality of super r-matrices via O-operators and pre-Lie superalgebras (with Chengming Bai & Li Guo), to appear in Mathematical Research Letters.
- Skew-symmetric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation and O-operators of Malcev algebras (with Shan Ren), to appear in Filomat.
- Left-symmetric superalgebras on special linear Lie superalgebras (with Ivan Dimitrov). Journal of Algebra 635 (2023) 384 — 410.
- A commutative algebra approach to multiplicative Hom-Lie algebras (with Yin Chen). Linear and Multilinear Algebra 71 (2023) 1127 — 1144.
- Representations of ω-Lie algebras and tailed derivations of Lie algebras. International Journal of Algebra and Computation 31 (2021) 325 — 339.
- A generalization on derivations of Lie algebras (with Hongliang Chang & Yin Chen). Electronic Research Archive 29 (2021) 2457 — 2473.
- On modular vector invariant fields (with Ying Han). Algebra Colloquium 27 (2020) 749 — 752.
- Derivations, automorphisms and representations of complex ω-Lie algebras (with Yin Chen, Ziping Zhang & Rushu Zhuang). Communications in Algebra 46 (2018) 708 — 726.
- Classification of 3-dimensional complex ω-Lie algebras (with Yin Chen & Chang Liu). Portugaliae Mathematica 71 (2014) 97 — 108.
- On some left-symmetric superalgebras (with Chengming Bai). Journal of Algebra and its Applications 11 (2012) 1250097, 26 pages.
- A Hom-version of the affinizations of Balinskii-Novikov and Novikov superalgebras (with Dongping Hou & Chengming Bai). Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011) 023505.
- Generalized derivations of Lie superalgebras (with Yongzheng Zhang). Communications in Algebra 38 (2010) 3737 — 3751.