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Department of Mathematics & Information Technology

Real-life impact

An understanding of the logical and mathematical aspect of the world around us is key to providing new perspectives on some of the major issues we face today. Our programs will introduce you to a new way of thinking, and provide avenues of research and discovery that could lead to solutions that provide real-life impact.

Innovative thinkers required

There is a demand for logical and innovative thinkers in today’s global economy in every sector of industry from banking to engineering to government. Our programs will provide you with the necessary skills to achieve your career of choice.

Mathematics and Information Technology Programs

The Department of Mathematics and Information Technology offers degrees in mathematics and information technology, including: 

Minors offered by the department that are available to students across campus:

Several minors from other areas in the university are also available, see the full list here. 

Follow the links above for more information about our programs. Meet our department’s faculty & staff here.