This week, March 14-18 2022, we are recognizing members of the CUE community who have shown kindness, empathy, and resiliency over the past year. We are also celebrating milestones and our retirees who have given their time and energy to our community, and impacted the lives of countless students and employees.

Jonathan Strand
Publication: “Aristotle at the Movies: Epistemic Virtue in Film” in Film, Philosophy and Religion, William H. U. Anderson, ed., pp. 325-342, Vernon Press, 2021.

Mark Loo
Published Paper: Julia Aita, Lucas Roldan and Mark Loo (2021). Clarifying Relationships between Networking, Absorptive Capacity and Financial Performance among South Brazilian Famers. Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 84, May 2021, Pages 90-99.
Presented keynote speech Forest City Malaysia (updated) case at the 2021 I-CEE Global Forum on August 28, 2021, Research Center for the Internationalization of Companies from Emerging Economies , Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Video: 1st half of the conference. Please view my presentation on the 26th minute.
Presented keynote speech BRI Impact on ASEAN: Forest City Malaysia, A Case Study at the Vietnam Business, Economics and Resources Conference organized by the Research Centre in Business, Economics, and Resources (CBER), Ho Chi Minh City Open University, November 25-26, 2021.
Presented online Global Competitiveness of Indonesia: Building Winning Competences at the BINUS University (AACSB) International Business Lecture Week: Digital Transformation towards Business Resilience Sustainability, November 1-6, 2021.
Presented online BRI’s Impact on Forest City Malaysia at the Research Forum at the BINUS University (AACSB) International Business Lecture Week: Digital Transformation towards Business Resilience Sustainability, November 1-6, 2021.
Video links of my presentation are provided in the instruction brochure from BINUS University (AACSB)
Submitted written case and recorded video to BFSU for their case compilation teaching materials to their students.
Reviewed for CENGAGE US textbook Ferrell, Hartline, and Hochstein’s Marketing Strategy, 8th edition to publish a Canadian edition.