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Centre for Chinese Studies Fall 2023

The Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) would like to extend a warm welcome to all new CUE students and everyone returning to CUE campus. Below is the variety of programs that we offer in collaboration with CUE Faculties and International partners in China.

Chinese language courses (continuing education/non-credit):

These courses are free of charge for CUE faculty, staff, and alumni. Detailed registration for CUE faculty and staff can be found here. Detailed registration for CUE alumni can be found here.

Introduction to Chinese Culture (continuing education/non–credit):

This online asynchronous course is open to everyone, including CUE community and the public, free of charge.

Traditional Chinese Wellness (continuing education/non–credit):

This online asynchronous course is open to everyone, including CUE community and the public, free of charge.

Tai Chi (continuing education/non-credit):

This class is open to everyone, including CUE community and the public, free of charge.

1+2+1 Dual Degrees Program in Management:

This program is open for CUE Management students, with an opportunity to receive Chinese Government Scholarship and IBS BFSU – CUE Jeffrey Fitzner Scholarship.

Chinese Test Centre:

CUE is an official Test Centre for HSK Chinese Proficiency Tests. Exams are scheduled every month.


This Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) on Business Simulation Case Study between Concordia University of Edmonton and Beijing Foreign Studies University will launch this fall term. This project is open for CUE Management students.

Chinese Partner Program:

These program is open to anyone who registered for a Chinese language course (credit or continuing education/non-credit), free of charge.

Moon Festival Celebration:

This event is open to everyone. Please feel free to stop by AW 207 Student Design Thinking Room from 12 – 2 pm on Friday, September 29, 2023. 

Chinese Corner:

Last but not least, please stop by the Centre for Chinese Studies in AW 201 to explore the wisdom of Chinese characters every week. One Chinese character and its story every week is posted on the whiteboard outside CCS.

For more information about the CCS, email us at: extension@concordia.ab.ca