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Top Tips for Exam Time

You’re almost there! You just have your last exams, papers or presentations to finish before your semester is complete. End this term on a high note by making sure you’re as prepared as possible for your final exams with these study tips.

Start early.

It’s not a great feeling being up at 2 a.m. the night before an exam speed-reading notes and re-watching lectures. Before it gets to this point, take a step back and make a plan.

  • Review your courses’ syllabi and other resources so you know what will be on the exam. Not all exams are cumulative and you don’t want to spend time studying topics that won’t be covered. Your instructor might not give you a lot of details about the final until the last day of class, but you probably have a general idea of what you will need to prepare. Ask your instructor any lingering questions about the course material while you still see them on a regular basis.
  • Find out what you don’t know. Maybe there was a specific topic or lesson that didn’t fully stick with you or you don’t feel 100% confident with. Plan to spend more time on these topics, and less time on topics you feel confident with.
  • Join a study group. When you teach or explain a topic to another person, it forces your brain to think about the material in a new way, reinforcing the knowledge you have and helping it stick. You will also benefit from having your peers explain topics in new ways to you, which can help you overcome more challenging areas.

Take care of your physical health.

Your physical health is just as important as your mental health—not just around exam season. While it may seem like you need to stay up all night to study before an exam, the lack of sleep and other issues that arise when you neglect your physical health can do more harm than good.

Remember to:

  • Get a good night’s sleep—especially before your exam
  • Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet. Food is fuel.
  • Stay physically active, whether it be a short walk or a gym session.
  • Have fun! Take a break when it’s needed and give your body and mind space to de-stress.

Use CUE’s resources.

CUE has a variety of resources available to you to help you succeed in your learning.

  • The Writing Centre is a free service that provides one-on-one writing consultations for assignmetns in any course or program, and offer tutoring for English courses.
  • Tutoring services are available for free to all CUE students during the fall and winter semesters.
  • Learning Advising is an option for students who have questions about their learning or want one-on-one help with learning skills.
  • Student Accessibility Services supports students with disabilities equal access to post-secondary learning.
  • Counselling is available to CUE students for free and provides support for academic, mental health, and other personal concerns.