What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework that aims to create inclusive learning environments by recognizing and accommodating the diverse needs of all students. It emphasizes providing multiple means of engagement, representation, action and expression ensuring that each student can access and interact with curriculum in ways that best suit their individual learning styles and abilities. By incorporating flexibility and choice into teaching practices, UDL seeks to remove barriers to learning, fostering an equitable and supportive educational experience for everyone.
Incorporating universal design principles in teaching does not remove the necessity for unique accommodations for students with disabilities. Individualized supports, such as sign language interpreters assistive technology, and alternative formats for course materials will always be required. However, by integrating universal design concepts into course planning, educators can ensure that most students have full access to the content, thereby reducing the need for individualized accommodations.
Watch this short video to learn more about UDL in university settings. (4:42)
Source: Humber Innovative Learning https://youtu.be/VwA8cQ2xA9o?feature=shared
A Visual Representation of UDL
Click to enlarge image.
Source: Moore (2017)
Structure of the UDL Framework (under construction)
Additional Reading and Resources (under construction)
Humber Innovative Learning. (2019, June 12). Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. YouTube. https://youtu.be/VwA8cQ2xA9o?feature=shared
Moore, E. (2017, October 16). Implementing Universal Design for Learning on Canvas. Instructure. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-LMS-Blog/Implementing-Universal-Design-for-Learning-on-Canvas/ba-p/271887