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Culturally Responsive Teaching

What is culturally responsive teaching?

University of Washington Professor of Education, Geneva Gay (2010, p.31), defines culturally responsive teaching as:

  • the behavioral expressions of knowledge, beliefs, and values that recognize the importance of racial and cultural diversity in learning
  • seeing cultural differences as assets
  • creating caring learning communities where culturally different individuals and heritages are valued
  • using cultural knowledge of ethnically diverse cultures and communities to guide curriculum development, classroom climates, instructional strategies, and relationships with students
  • challenging racial and cultural stereotypes, prejudices, racism, and other forms of intolerance
  • being changes agents for social justice and academic equity
  • mediating power imbalances in classrooms based on race, culture, ethnicity, and class
  • accepting cultural responsiveness as endemic to education effectiveness in all areas of learning for students from all ethnic groups

Consider the following eight competencies to cultivate a culturally responsive classroom (click to enlarge):

Eight Competencies for Culturally Responsive Teaching by New America shared under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/policy-papers/culturally-responsive-teaching-competencies/

Self-Assessment and Reflective Conversations

Use the following checklist to support reflective practice and learning. It can help you to assess your strengths and identify areas for growth.

Culturally Responsive Teaching Checklist

Conceptual Frameworks: Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)


How Open Education Enables Culturally Responsive Teaching


Exploring the Intersection Between Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Academic Integrity Among EAL Students in Canadian Higher Education


Culturally Relevant Teaching


Beyond Culturally Responsive Education

LibGuides for Culturally Responsive Teaching



Gay, G. (2010). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. Teachers College Press.

Muniz, J. (2020, September 23). Culturally responsive teaching: A reflection guide. New America. https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/policy-papers/culturally-responsive-teaching-competencies/

Re-Imagining Migration (n.d.). Culturally responsive teaching checklist. Retrieved from: https://reimaginingmigration.org/cultural-responsive-teaching-checklist/