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Student Guide to Generative AI & Academic Integrity

What is generative AI?

Generative AI explained in two minutes.

Can provide personalized learning support 24/7Has the potential to compromise privacy and collect data without authorization
Can reduce your workloadCan generate incorrect information, produce biased content, and has limited ability to perform calculations
Provides immediate feedback and/or prompt resultsDoes not have access to real-time (current) data and information
Improves accessibility for students with learning disabilities or English language learners who require translation supportLacks both the emotional intelligence and empathy needed to support inclusive interpersonal relationships
Can summarize information, simplify language, and differentiate contentIncreases the potential for plagiarism and academic dishonesty

Adapted from World Economic Forum (2024) and Samala et al. (2024)

To Use or Not to Use…

There are times when it will be appropriate to use generative AI to improve your learning and content retention. Prior to using GenAI, you should have a clear understanding of course policy. Every instructor will outline their policies for AI use in the course syllabus. Permissions for AI use will vary depending on the subject matter and the policies of each individual department and faculty. If you are unsure about whether AI use is permitted for a given assignment, test, or task, it is your responsibility to clarify the guidelines with your course instructor.

Additionally, the following flowchart can help you decide whether it is appropriate to use GenAI:

Tiulkanov, A. (2023)

Tips to Avoiding a Breach of Academic Integrity


Ensure that your citations are accurate.

Citation support is offered at no cost through CUE’s Library Services. This can be accessed virtually or in person. https://concordia.ab.ca/library/help/ask-a-librarian/

Time Management

Students who manage their time well are less likely to become stressed and therefore less likely to engage in dishonest practices. Start your research and writing early and review course content after every class. If you are struggling to meet deadlines, consider increasing the amount of time you dedicate to your studies or seek out support from CUE’s Learning Services. https://concordia.ab.ca/student-services/student-life-learning/learning-services/

Regular Class Attendance

Students who attend class regularly achieve greater success on assignments and are better prepared for exams. When you attend class faithfully, you are showing your instructor that you take coursework seriously and that you are willing to put in the effort to do well. While in class, limit distractions, participate in discussions, take effective notes, and do not be afraid to ask questions.

The Writing Centre

Take advantage of the free writing supports offered by CUE’s Writing Centre. Appointments are easy to book on The Writing Centre’s webpage. https://concordia.ab.ca/student-services/student-life-learning/learning-services/the-writing-centre/

Tutoring Services and Tutor Registry

In addition to The Writing Centre, CUE offers students free access to tutoring. Appointments can be booked using the following link: https://concordia.ab.ca/student-services/student-life-learning/learning-services/tutoring-and-registry/

Academic Integrity Checklist

Prior to submitting an assignment, use one of the checklists below to ensure that your work meets CUE’s guidelines for academic integrity: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Option 1
Option 2


Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation. (n.d.). Sample Academic Integrity Checklist. Academic integrity and the role of the instructor. University of Toronto. Retrieved May 2, 2024. https://teaching.utoronto.ca/resources/academic-integrity-and-the-role-of-the-instructor/

Samala, A.D., Zhai, X., Aoki, K., Bojic, L., & Zikic, S. (2024). An in-depth review of ChatGPT‘s pros and cons for learning and teaching in education. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 18(2), 96-117, https://www.researchgate.net/deref/https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.3991%2Fijim.v18i02.46509?_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6Il9kaXJlY3QiLCJwYWdlIjoicHVibGljYXRpb24ifX0

Student Resources. (n.d.). Academic integrity. York University.

Tiulkanov, A. (2023, January 19). Is it safe to use ChatGPT for your task? LinkedIn. https://lnkd.in/eeZ5YNJh?trk=public_post-text

World Economic Forum. (2024, January 18). AI and education: Kids need AI guidance in school. But who guides the schools? Education and Skills. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/01/ai-guidance-school-responsible-use-in-education/