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JET Programme

JET Programme

Posted on: Oct 12, 2021

The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is an initiative funded by the Government of Japan with a two-fold…

Student Life & Learning

CUE Weekly Newsletter-Oct 12

Posted on: Oct 12, 2021

 See what’s new in this updated edition of the CUE Weekly Newsletter.

Student Life & Learning

Early Alert

Posted on: Oct 10, 2021

Instructors or staff who are concerned about a student are encouraged to submit an Early Alert through Online Services…

Student Life & Learning

Reminder: Now accepting applications for the 2021 Concordia Connects Grant

Posted on: Oct 8, 2021

We hope that everyone has a very safe and happy Thanksgiving long week-end! A reminder that the deadline to apply for…

Office of Extension & Culture

October 2021 Heartbeat Newsletter

Posted on: Oct 8, 2021

Be sure to check out the October 2021 Heartbeat Newsletter from LifeWorks. This issue talks about various aspects of…

People & Culture