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Welcome back, Lainna Bral!

Posted on: Oct 1, 2020

ORS Update

Today, CUE’s Research Officer Lainna Bral returned from leave. There will be a transitional period for the handover of operations of the ORS from Dr. Ramses Ilarraza, Assistant Vice-President Research (AVPR), to the Research Officer. After this period, Dr. Ilarraza will focus on the role of AVPR and other duties in the Academic Administration.

ORS business will continue to be conducted as per our COVID-19 plan and until further notice. The ORS now reports directly to the AVPR. Preferred communications will remain by email to research@concordia.ab.ca, and on-demand, via online Google Meet sessions.

We anticipate full operations of the Research Officer to resume by October 12th. Lainna will physically be at CUE on Fridays, from 9 am to 1 pm, and in virtual form during regular hours.

Welcome back, Lainna!