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Service Excellence – Module 4, Emergency Preparedness

Posted on: Nov 23, 2016

Module 4 of the Service Excelllence program will be presented today. This is an overview of Emergency Preparedness, it…


Service Excellence Training – Module 4 Nov 23rd

Posted on: Nov 23, 2016

The Service Excellence Training which was introduced in the spring, will be presented once again.  If you missed a…

People & Culture

Alfresco Notice

Posted on: Nov 22, 2016

We encountered a problem with our Alfresco (documents.concordia.ab.ca) server that necessitated restoring some site data…


Christmas Potluck Dec 21, 2016 at Noon

Posted on: Nov 22, 2016

Let’s Get Cooking!!! Bring your favorite holiday dish and enjoy sharing with your fellow co-workers. When:…

People & Culture

Faculty Collective Bargaining update #3

Posted on: Nov 22, 2016

Concordia University of Edmonton has posted its 3rd Faculty Collective Bargaining update. This update provides context…

Academic Administration