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Two Spirit Talk and Indigenous Queer/Ally Circle

Posted on: Mar 10, 2020

To expand on the learning and celebration of CUE’s Pride Day 2020, the Indigenous Knowledge and Research Centre…

CUE Fitness Centre Rules and Regulations

Posted on: Mar 10, 2020

  We have had some issues with people not following the rules and regulations of the Fitness Centre on Campus.   The…

CUE 2020 Honorary Degree recipient, Jan Reimer

Announcing CUE’s 2020 Honorary Degree recipient

Posted on: Mar 10, 2020

We are thrilled to announce our 2020 Honorary Degree recipient… Ms. Jan Reimer. Jan Reimer is the first (and only)…

Office of the President

Campus Recreation March 9 – 13

Posted on: Mar 10, 2020

Join faculty, staff and students this week in the Ralph King building to try out the Fitness Classes being offered. All…


Our Canada: Jewish-Canadian Women Writers

Posted on: Mar 10, 2020

Our Canada: Jewish-Canadian Women Writers is a federally-funded research project in the humanities and social sciences.…

Faculty of Arts Office of Extension & Culture