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Faculty: Mitacs Funding for International Research

Faculty: Mitacs Funding for International Research

Posted on: Sep 30, 2016

          Version française ci-dessous           Mitacs is…


Reminder for Lecture Today

Posted on: Sep 30, 2016

Lecture by Prof. Jonathan Strand: The Simplest Possible Overall Conception of Reality (Consistent with What We Know)…


Concordia Talks: Edmonton Eskimos on Campus October 3

Posted on: Sep 29, 2016

  Leading Change October 3, 12-1pm — HA015 The Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters in…

Student Life & Learning

Alberta Energy Challenge 2016

Posted on: Sep 28, 2016

For the first time, Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) entered a team to compete in the 7th Annual Alberta Energy…

Faculty of Management

Alberta Energy Challenge 2016

Posted on: Sep 28, 2016

For the first time, Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) entered a team to compete in the 7th Annual Alberta Energy…

Faculty of Management