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Respect in the Workplace – 6 Transformative Benefits of a Respectful Workplace

Posted on: Apr 16, 2019

Respectful behaviours aren’t limited to working teams – their use between all employees in the University can improve performance organization wide. The ultimate goal of respectful workplace training is to teach lessons, inform your experiences, and inspire a change or shift in your viewpoints of respect in the workplace. Please take a moment to review the 6 Transformative Benefits of a Respectful Workplace.

1. Respect Contributes to Job Satisfaction

In respectful workplaces, employees are more engaged and productive. In workplaces with little or no respect, employees report more conflicts, misunderstandings, absenteeism, and lower productivity. Respectful behaviors can lift spirits and shine light on someone’s otherwise cloudy day. Treating someone with respect can instill confidence in them and offer them much-needed encouragement.

2. Respect Increases Employee Engagement

When employees receive respect from other team members, they are less stressed and more apt to apply themselves diligently to their work. The same is true when an employee knows that their superiors and business leaders respect them and their work.

3. Respect Creates a Fair Environment

When coworkers show respect toward one another in the workplace, a sense of fairness is established and the incidence of hazing, harassment, and horseplay is practically eliminated.

4. Respect is a Stress Reducer

When another person has your respect, they have freedom—freedom to perform without the worry of being being stepped on or stepped over.

5. Respect Improves Knowledge Sharing

A group of respected employees automatically begin to share ideas with each other in an effort to build relationships. As a byproduct, knowledge is shared and exchanged as mutual respect grows.

6. Respect Boosts the Bottom Line

If respect increases employee engagement, creates a fair environment, reduces stress, and improves knowledge sharing, then it must improve the company’s bottom line. The workplace becomes a fun place to make things happen. Managers and supervisors no longer micromanage, but become engagers of people they respect.


Model the way. Make sure you have taken, or will take, the training yourself. Share insights or benefits you have learned through this program with your coworkers and lead by example!

Stay tuned for a Respect in the Workplace rollout email coming to your inbox shortly!
