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Now Accepting Group D Courses

Now Accepting Group D Courses

Posted on: Jun 13, 2012

Concordia now accepts one five-credit group D subject for admission into the faculties of Arts, Science and Management.…

Two More Partnership Agreements in Brazil

Posted on: Jun 4, 2012

Concordia University College in Edmonton has established strong ties with the fifth largest country in the world:…

Concordia Signs Two More Partnership Agreements in Brazil

Posted on: Jun 4, 2012

Concordia University College in Edmonton has established strong ties with the fifth largest country in the world:…

Mathematics Graduates

Posted on: May 31, 2012

Some 2012 Concordia Mathematics Graduates at the Graduation Banquet:  


Concordia Signs Partnership with University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Posted on: May 29, 2012

On May 4, 2012 Concordia's Vice President International Dr. Manfred Zeuch and President Dr. Vilmar Thomé of…