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Student News has an APP!

Student News has an APP!

Posted on: Nov 6, 2012

There is now a quick and easy way for you to keep updated about student events, opportunities and deadlines – and,…

Let’s Zumba Around!

Posted on: Nov 6, 2012

Are you interested in on-campus zumba classes? Well Luisana Briceno (Lily), wants to bring this hip-hop and Latin…

Start Being ‘So Dramatic’

Posted on: Nov 5, 2012

Stand out and show your creative side – put on a one-act play in this semester’s Student Directed One Acts!…

SYNCHRONUS Art Festival – Eternal Song

Posted on: Nov 2, 2012

The SYNCHRONUS art festival wraps up this weekend at Concordia University College of Alberta with a choral singing…

CUCA SPOOKA – Tomorrow

Posted on: Nov 2, 2012

Last call for Halloween! Ticket's for Saturday's CUCA SPOOKA are still on sale in the bookstore.