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Concordia Welcomes Special Guest from Brazil

Posted on: Oct 26, 2012

In May, Concordia's Vice-President International, Dr. Manfred Zeuch, signed a memorandum of understanding with The Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), in Canoas, South Brazil.

On Monday, October 29 ULBRA’s VP Academic Undergraduate, Dr. Ricardo Rieth, will be a special guest at Concordia. Dr. Rieth is a theologian (historian, Luther researcher) and administrator.

Dr. Rieth will not only tour Concordia, but he will deliver the chapel message, and make a presentation about ULBRA to the congregation/audience after chapel from 11:05 – noon in the auditorium.

During Dr. Rieth's visit, he's speak with Concordia's administration about possible forms of cooperation with Concordia, like distance education, and joint degrees.

Visit the Concordia International website to learn more about Concordia's international initiatives.