Posted on: Dec 7, 2011
Concordia University College of Alberta is pleased to announce the establishment of the new Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith.
The Director of the CCSCF, Dr Bill Anderson, says that “the centre provides a new meeting point for scholars from a variety of specialties to conduct research that illuminates the relationship between Christian Faith, academic learning and the contemporary world.”
Anderson says, “We operate from the premise that there are many exciting ideas being presented in the academic world from many different disciplines—and this unique centre provides a medium for disseminating the relevance of these ideas from a Christian perspective for both the academic world and the general public.”
The CCSCF will hold its first annual conference on the theme of “The Humanities and the Christian Faith” 3rd and 4th of May 2012 at Concordia University College of Alberta.
Future conferences will be on the themes of “The Social Sciences and the Christian Faith” (2013), “The Creative and Performing Arts and the Christian Faith” (2014), “The Sciences and the Christian Faith” (2015) and “Business and the Christian Faith” (2016).
Dr Anderson says that “both the general public and academics continue to show a strong interest in religion—and that the new Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith wants to be central in sharing that passion with intellectual, cultural and academic rigor.”
The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The CCSCF webpage may be found at