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Science Journal Club Seminar – Wednesday November 30, 2016

Posted on: Nov 24, 2016

Hello students, The Faculty of Science would like to invite you to the next Journal Club Seminar:  …

Faculty of Science

The New Four-Year Major

Posted on: Nov 24, 2016

The English Department is excited to announce a major update to the Four-Year Major in English. This change will come…


What is the Centre for Innovation and Applied Research? (CIAR)

Posted on: Nov 23, 2016

  With the strong interest from the CUE community for EICR assistance, additional clarity has been gained that has…


CUE recognized by Psychologists’ Association of Alberta in press release

Posted on: Nov 23, 2016

CUE's 2016 Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award was officially announced today by the Psychologists'…

Academic Administration

Domestic Violence: CUE Workplace Presentation Nov 25 at Noon

Posted on: Nov 23, 2016

Domestic violence happens everywhere.  Help make your workplace violence-free. In 2005 Lori Dupont was murdered by…

People & Culture