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READ IN Week starts today

Posted on: Oct 7, 2019

“Books are windows to the world,” said Esther Starkman today, the driving force behind the creation of READ…

Faculty of Education


Posted on: Oct 7, 2019

  If there is a serious incident in progress where life or property is in danger, dial 911 before…


CUE Weekly Newsletter-October 7

Posted on: Oct 7, 2019

Reduction in Teaching applications for 2020-2021

Posted on: Oct 7, 2019

Please be advised that application forms for Reduction in Teaching for Research Purposes Awards for 2020-2021 are now…


TODAY – Green Sheikh to lecture at CUE

Posted on: Oct 4, 2019

The Green Sheikh will be presenting a lecture “Beyond Sustainability” on October 4 at 2:00pm in AW207. Abdul…