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President Loreman’s Wednesday Update, April 22, 2020

Posted on: Apr 22, 2020

Dear CUE Community, Hang in there as we approach the end of our Winter semester. This of course has been a very…

Office of the President

CUE students win $4000 in prizes in the landing page competition

Posted on: Apr 21, 2020

150 startups holds the landing page competition that awards $1,000 cash for the first place winner and $500 cash for…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research

Congratulations Jason Neitsch!

Posted on: Apr 20, 2020

Jason Neitsch, a fourth-year Bachelor of Management student at CUE and Innovation Launchpad @ CUE participant has been…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research

CUE Weekly Newsletter-April 20

Posted on: Apr 20, 2020

Student Life & Learning

e-Learning Digital Skills Development Programs now available

Posted on: Apr 20, 2020

e-Learning Digital Skills Development Programs to be launched at Concordia University of Edmonton in new partnership…

Office of Extension & Culture