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Thunder Women’s Soccer Dance in the Rain

Thunder Women’s Soccer Dance in the Rain

Posted on: Oct 10, 2016

The Concordia Women’s Soccer team played under the worst weather conditions of the season this past Saturday against…


Inclusion Alberta fundraising breakfast

Posted on: Oct 7, 2016

Inclusion Alberta is hosting its annual fundraising breakfast this year at the Westin Hotel on November 8,…

Academic Administration

Art and Design in the 21st Century

Posted on: Oct 7, 2016

New Art in the Library: Art and Design in the 21st Century "Exploring the creative practices of…


New Art in the Library: Art and Design in the 21st Century

Posted on: Oct 7, 2016

“Exploring the creative practices of [contemporary Edmonton artists] Jason Blower, Lee Nielsen and Jill Stanton,…


Cancer and Marvel Comics: A Talk by Reginald Wiebe

Posted on: Oct 7, 2016

Dr. Reginald Wiebe will be discussing his ongoing collaborative work (with Dorothy Woodman, from the University of…
