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Welcome to Concordia, Shelley Josey!

Welcome to Concordia, Shelley Josey!

Posted on: Nov 24, 2021

We are pleased to announce the onboarding of a new colleague, Shelley Josey who will start at CUE on November 24th as…

Academic Administration

Today at 2! Exploring Sex & Intimacy in the COVID-19 Era

Posted on: Nov 24, 2021

Join sexologist Dr. Brian Parker for this engaging and interactive look into the world of intimacy in the time of a…

CUE Wellness

Lighting up Ada Boulevard

Posted on: Nov 24, 2021

Join us for our Annual Lighting up Ada Boulevard. This year we have two events: Saturday, November 27: 5:00-7:00pmMain…

Wellness Fall Speaker Series

Posted on: Nov 24, 2021

The Interdisciplinary Research Cluster on Wellness is proud to present its Fall Speaker Series. With expert speakers…

Research Cluster

Nov 21-27 is National Addictions Awareness Week

Posted on: Nov 24, 2021

Like heart disease, diabetes and other health issues, substance use disorder is a diagnosable medicalcondition.…

CUE Wellness