Learn about the Climate Innovation Fund
Posted on: Nov 17, 2020
Part of the Renewable Energy Speaker Series, with experts ranging from industry, academia, and government.
Climate Innovation Fund
Climate Innovation Fund is an innovative, new initiative that provides a sustainable presence and source of funding for climate action in Alberta’s two largest cities, Calgary and Edmonton. The fund was started through a one time cash endowment by the federal government in 2020 with the intention of building capacity, catalyzing urban emission reductions, and mobilizing private capital to invest in innovative, scalable climate solutions.
Find out about the fund and the emerging program framework which includes strategic projects, grants, and direct investment opportunities being pursued in building energy efficiency, renewable energy, mobility, and decarbonization. Information on principles of fund deployment which includes the application of a multi-solving lens so this funding not only reduces emissions but rebuilds prosperity in our cities while achieving other important social objectives will also be shared.
Register to attend
Thursday, November 19, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Eventbrite – Use CUE to register for free
About the Speaker

Mike Mellross
Program Director, Climate Innovation Fund (Calgary and Edmonton) at Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
Mike Mellross is the Director of the Climate Innovation Fund (previously LC3) at Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, working in partnership with the City of Calgary and the City of Edmonton, the Climate Innovation Fund will initiate, support and accelerate urban carbon-reduction solutions in the two largest urban centres in Alberta, helping those cities and Canada meet their climate change targets. Initiated through a $40 Million endowment from the federal government, The Climate Innovation Fund will work with partners in each city to catalyze emissions reductions across all sectors including buildings, transportation, industry and waste.
Prior to joining Alberta Ecotrust, Mike supervised the Energy Transition and Utility Supply unit at the City of Edmonton. His team was responsible for the implementation of Edmonton’s Community Energy Transition Strategy, a long-term plan designed to advance Edmonton on a low carbon path. Mike also managed the City’s utilities file which included the initiation of a power purchase agreement for the procurement of 100% green electricity for city operations.
Mike has over 20 years of experience across private and public organizations, working in the realm of environmental policy, energy management and sustainability. Mike is a published author with articles in popular science journals on the application of market transformation theory for the achievement of climate change goals. Mr. Mellross has degrees in Environmental Science, Water Pollution Studies, and Natural Sciences and is a registered Professional Agrologist with the Alberta Institute of Agrologists. Mike was recently a recipient of FCM’s Best for Canada Innovator award and a 2019 winner of the Charles Labatiuk award for environmental excellence.
About the Speaker Series
McNeil Centre for Applied Renewable Energy (McNeil C.A.R.E) and the Concordia Alumni Association are proud to present the Renewable Energy Speaker Series. This speaker series aims to provide CUE members (students, alumni, staff and faculty) and the community in general with the opportunity to explore renewable energy solutions, learn about the challenges faced by the sustainable energy sector (industry, government and society), careers in the renewable energy sector and interact with experts from across Canada and beyond.
Please email Dr. Isha Katyal, Director, Innovation and Industry with any questions.