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Reduced service (reminder) – Office of Research Services

Posted on: Jan 27, 2020

The Office of Research Services (ORS) will have changes in service to the public during the first three months of 2020.

Starting on January 1st, 2020, and until the return of Lainna Eljabi, Concordia’s Research Officer, expected in the Spring term, there will be modifications in the office hours and some services may not be readily available. Once the RO has returned, the ORS will resume regular activities and hours.

Reduction of service hours

The ORS will implement the following service hour schedule during this term as follows:

  • Mondays to Fridays, from 08:30 to 09:30.

These service hours will allow for most faculty and other members of CUE to obtain timely, face-to-face service. Upon the return of the Research Officer, service hours will revert to 8:30 to 16:30, daily.

Some service outside this schedule may be available by appointment, via Campus mail and/or email. However, response times, unfortunately, cannot be guaranteed.

Submission of applications for research grants

External Research Grants

General inquiries about applications to Tri-Agency and other external sponsors, specific requirements and other, may be made in person, during office hours, or via email. Assistance in preparation of applications will be reduced during this period. The ORS recommends that applicants seeking to submit applications contact other faculty members that have participated in competitions for advice. The ORS may provide information on potential advisers on a case-by-case basis. Additional information and assistance is generally available from the sponsor, via their website, email and/or phone.

Any application submitted to an external sponsor must comply with internal deadlines and processes, including submission to the ORS of a complete application package that contains an External Grant Institutional Signature Page. The submission must occur during service hours, and before the internal deadline. Internal deadlines are currently seven working days before sponsor deadline. Internal deadlines will not be extended during reduced service hours.

Applications for external research grants are received only in hard copy. No electronic submissions (i.e., via email)  are accepted for these applications. Mailed-in applications must arrive in the ORS by or before the internal deadline.

Once applications have been reviewed and the Signature Page has been completed, the ORS will notify the applicant and make the document available for pick up at the ORS. This constitutes the authorization for submission.

Important: Tri-Agency grant applications require final submission by the ORS. During the period of reduced service hours, the ORS will only forward applications that are received at least one working day before the sponsor deadline. Applications that are submitted by the applicant on or after the sponsor deadline will not be forwarded to the sponsor.

Internal Research Grants

Applicants submit their applications for Internal Research Grants via email. Hard-copy versions of applications are not accepted, only electronic submissions. Deadlines will not be extended during reduced service hours. Guidelines to prepare applications are released during the call for proposal, and are also available online in CUE’s research website.

Expense claims related to research activities

Expense claims related to faculty research only will be processed only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Expense claims may be sent via Campus Mail, or presented at the ORS during regular hours. Every effort will be made to ensure that properly prepared claims are submitted to CUE Finance within 3 working days of receipt by the ORS. In case corrections are required, claimants will be notified via email and the expense claim documents will be made available for pickup for up to one week during scheduled hours, after which time they will be mailed to the claimant using Campus Mail.

Claimants are advised to visit our webpage for assistance in expense claim preparation.

Email, phone and online communications

All emails will be responded to as soon as possible. Phone calls outside office hours, received as voicemails, will be reviewed as soon as possible. As needed, messages will be answered during the next available service hour.